«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: argHHH!! ...must....get...job -____-

Thursday, January 11, 2007

argHHH!! ...must....get...job -____-

yer title says it all..


so yer.. applied for coles myer.. and you have to do that online test thing...

Part 1: like some general knowledge/iq thingy test.. gr.. i didnt do any of those maths questions
Part 2: what do you like more.. given two options..pick one
Part 3: like those surveys at school.. "strongly agree, disagree, unsure etc"

then again you probably have already done this before..so i dont need to say much bout it.

my result... heyz! standard distribution curvy things! like in maths lol..
LMAO! i scored high!! hahahaa.. i had no idea what i was doing ..hehe.. diagram makes me look smart =P
Okay.. this is what im interested in i guesss...
ERR!! Diagram makes me look DUMB.. bleh.. my concern for safety... bleh..
guess my results contradict...and now..they will overlook my application .. dammit.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

tee hee sandra good job i hope you get employed xD where you working at?

12:12 PM  
Blogger Ritzy said...

>< not working at the moment still looking

3:31 PM  

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