«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: more bumming days...

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

more bumming days...

ah.. another day spent with friends and...just bumming around ^^

things i've learnt on our random trip to the city....

1. there is a man in green that comes and changes the metcards >< and he is one angry guy
2. if you are a group of six or more...you will be the loudest peoples on the train
3. the big stopwatch at melb. central is 5 mins off every time it plays that annoying song
4. calton gardens is NOT fitzroy garden
5. everyone has a limit of patience before they snap
6. food can be expensive
7. martina hingis is back in the tennis game
8. even spesh students cannot divide a bill in their heads.. bleh 23/4 = ??? *grabs out mobiles*
9. i need a job
10. bumming around is fun


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