«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: kids these days....

Saturday, January 27, 2007

kids these days....


AH!! happy australia day!

hehe.. a little late -_____-

what did i do? .. actually i cant really remember... oh wait. .. that's right.. walked over to grace's and played her nintendo wii.. waH. that wario game was wacky.. hahahaha.. to beat the boss stage for one of the mini games you had to dance.. DANCE!!! .. bwhahHAA...soo funny...

what an interesting concept.. interactive console and all.. hmmz... wonder what they will do in the future...

kids these days... have sO much stuff to play with .. toys.. lots of colors.. musical.. woaH. went house visiting.. and this couple had a kid.. ONE YEARS OLD! and WAHH.. So taLLL!.. damn it.. kids are gettin taller.. she stood up and was half the size of my sister.. and she's 15. HALF THE SIZE!! .. my gosh.. scary.. so tall 0.o.. and the range of toys! just amazing!!.. i was told in the car trip afterwards that what i played with (and what WAS available) was ..paper.. i liked ripping it..and empty milk cartoons.. apparently i made clash noises.. GAHHH!! .. grr.. parents.. so stingy.. no toys.. haha.. i still remember that mini cork opener/knife/scissor thingy my grandma gave me as a toy. lmao.. the stuff i had... lol.. knifes =/

anYways.. what else i did on aussie day.. so sooo close to a bbq.. bleh... went to visit david for a bit.. caught up with high school friends =] always fun.

and youth group to end the day.. =]


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sandra dun u mean she was DOUBLE ur sis size cuz half us sis' size is actually ahahha kinda small.

4:23 PM  
Blogger Ritzy said...

nooo. a ONE year olD! so tall.. half the size of sis. that's still tall!!

imagine a one year old like 2 meters 0.0 scary man

7:04 PM  

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