«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: HAPPY 2007 !!!

Monday, January 01, 2007

HAPPY 2007 !!!

wheee... new years...

first time going down ta city for new years.. ehehe.. i know.. kinda slow. .but hey! im not the only one.. hahhaa

took train down with bunch of pplz... peter, grace, quyen, lyn, vincent, andy kristin, frank, david, alan, andrew, kirstyn, my sister and mum.. hehe.. i got a lift home =] (hope i didnt leave anyone out)

neways.. got to city... went to eat... and woah... lots of people!! and long toilet lines -____-

but yer. fun.. hehe.. got dark around 8ish i think..and soon the family fireworks yay!

lucky i got to stay for the midnight ones.. wo0T..

lots of pplz joined up with us on the single picnic mat thingy.. because only kirstin was smart enough to bring one..

in the mean time we filled the time gaps with lots of eating, drinking, writing in a time capsule, admiring frank's flashy belt that displayed the words "happy near year" and "joo noob"... and walking around to pick up pplz... oh as well as grace freakin out this baby making it cry..then blaming it all on me -_- im not the bad guy..bleh..

an odd site for me when we came back from kfc was tons!! of kids sliding down this massive hill we decided to stay and watch the fireworks on. woaH.!! all of these kids sprang out of no where and started sliding down the hill on cardboard box skateboards and sledges.

didnt take that many pictures....might post later..

wow. 2007 already. im tired -____- the pplz cramming in the station trying to get home was badd!!

my prediction for everyone's 2k7

... new experiences..new friendships..new addition to family....


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