«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: post.

Monday, October 09, 2006


bleh. its been ages since i post. havent been on computer much. gah.. didnt realise we had a pag meeting today ><'

what was interesting today... media. teacher tried to teach..we should be enthusiastic but since he has been so light hearted for the past 4-5 weeks.. err. we did nuffing.

media results came out. for our film. hehe. yay I'm very happy with my mark although i dont think i was deserving of such a high grade. >< . the product truly sucked but the actors were GREAT! thankz again to andy, grace, micheal, adam and the studio class .. hehe


"when will we ever watch our movies?" - everyone

"next week" - teacher

newsflash: err.. we only have 50 mins of media next week . how are we meant to get through 40 movies???

" *sigh* oh well, at least i've seen mine" - tim


this year has been v. unorganised

oh.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY VINCENT (ermz. i did spell that right ..right??? >< )


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