«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: notice of absence

Friday, August 04, 2006

notice of absence

To Whom it May Concern:

re: Sandra LEE
d.o.b. 20/01/89

This is to confirm that Sandra will undergo emergency surgery to her left eye at the Royal Victora Eye and Ear Hospital today and will be unable to attend school between 4/8/2006 - 18/8/2006 inclusive.

Dr. Daniel Chiu

wellz.. hopefully i will be back soon then that =P ....might be back within a week and attend school with a pirate eye patch.. arrrggGGG.."pirates" lol..

so yer.. whoever is in my class just get my hw for me and fwd it to someone to give it to me ><

dammit.. i cant finish my media product on time.. -_-'


Anonymous Anonymous said...

=O What happened Sandra? Why do you need emergency-eye surgery? =(

Get Well soon please!

2:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sandra are you okay?! What's wrong with your eye?!
Well I hope the operation goes well, good luck and get better soon. o.O <3

8:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh noes the Skool captain is down!!!

I'm sure everything will go fine, and you'll be able to see perfectly afterwards =3.

Pirate patch of smexiness =3.

And no one knowz what's going on? hmmmz

11:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW sandra. Dat sounds so scary. EMERGENCY eye surgery. Wel if any media comes up ill give ya a halt but i dun think their is besides ur product. ANd pft even wif one eye ill bet your product will own mine.

NOOOOOOOOOO skool captain is down and were loosing her to CAPTAIN JACK SPARROW CAPTAIN OF THE BLACK PEARL. Sandra sniff into piracy sniff. NOOOO all innocence and femininity GONE ALL GONE. Dam captain sparrow i will make him pay!!!

Ps get well hahah

7:51 PM  
Blogger Kristin Suvern said...

oh dear, I am sending you good get well thoughts :]

although Pirates are not as cool as Ninjas you will be the closest thing to getting a pirate friend.

7:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh gosh Sandra I thought you were sick! >.<

You WILL get better in due time =)

everyone at GWSC misses you! Come back soon~~!!!!!!!!!

4:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sandra...i hope you get better soon...eye surgery wow sounds scary....all we can do is hope you get better soon...


7:22 PM  
Blogger Agimato said...

ahh man i didnt relise u were in sugery till i read your blog. awww man.
emergency eye surgery SCARY!!! get betta soon!!!

cya when u get back to school

2:55 PM  
Blogger - jaz. said...

hey first horn! please get better soon! im prayin for you! symphonic wind needs you! haha. hey, chill out. it's a forced holiday. do your best to enjoy it. o_0.. see you soon!

5:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

awww sandra! i hope ur alright now..we all miss u..i miss havin u in my tye nd english class...it just feels werid..ahah...hope everythin went well for ur emergency-eye surgery... >.< have a goooooddd rest and dont stress out when u get bak every1 will brin u up to top speed in no time...cant wait till u get bak a lot of stuff to catch up on..and mayb ill bake u a cake ^.^
wishin u safe recovery...
lots of love...

3:33 PM  
Blogger SunsetFlare~[Lyn] said...

awww nooooo, surgery?! hope things work out ok, we're waiting for your grand return :/

1:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome back Sandra. :3nod: <3

5:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Sandra, it's Monica here.
I thought I'd check your blog for any new entries, good to see that you haven't been online. Heal that eye! :P
I'm staying up tonight to work, I have the weight of the media SAT on me. Haha!
It'll be great to see you again, what, next week? We all hope so!

Sandra, I'm not sure of what happened, but:
The news of your emergency-eye surgery really hit your friends,
You probably returned home with a bruised eye,
Maybe with an intense recollection of the experience.
Nevertheless returning to school with an untouched dignity and a familiar smile,
To your concerned, curious and impatient pals,
Will be a day of stupendous jubilation!

4:43 AM  

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