«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: ..no news is good news..

Friday, September 22, 2006

..no news is good news..

whoever said that must have been living in a shell =P no offense but i don't agree with the statement.

this one makes sorta more sense:

"..it's best if you know a good thing is going to happen...and it's bad to know if a bad thing is going to happen...but i think it is worst if you don't know whether it is a god thing or a bad thing which is going to happen." - Christopher Boone.

lol. i quoted an Eng. text ><. ..but yer.. that's gotta be my favourite book studied besides "I Am David" and "Hatchet" =P spending so many weeks in bed i had nuffin to do except think ..and try to stop thinking and get some rest.. ><... stupid retina detachment...grr..but it's okay with me.. i believe in stuff happening for a reason and every has its perfect timing...and life is about figuring it out i guess..

some of the better definitions i came up with:

Faith: Holding onto things unseen

M.a.t.h.s: Must Avoid To Help Sanity

Memories: Fraigile fragments of life

some of the stupid definitions my sister came up with:

Q: What does doing nothing mean?
A: you lie in bed like a vegetable



Anonymous Anonymous said...

my expansion of the word MATHS is:


obviously I just thought of the first words that came to my head starting with each letter.


11:07 PM  

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