«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: English folio

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

English folio

I was looking for some older stuff i did ..so i might remember bits here and there.. so i can use it for the sac tomorrow... hmmz..

*blows the dust of the old computer*.. havent turned that one in a year or so o_O

WOAH! that stuff is OLD! i went through chat logs and hahahaa. dates back to year 2005. geez. i was on msn too often then too =/ Hmm. lots of interesting stuff.. but i found this poem quite stupid..haha.. year 9 english *cough*

Thinking about writing a poem is so hard,
I just don’t know what to write.
Should it be about castles, cats, clouds or cards?
Something is just not right.

Should it be about girls or boys, trees or fleas?
Should it rhyme or should it not?
Please, please, help me please!
Oh, I got an idea…no…I forgot.

Poems are wonderful things,
They can be sad,
Or make you glad.
But the thought of writing one makes you mad.

I think poets are talented people.
They can be murders, psychos or clowns.
They express their ideas,
And can make someone frown.

You may call them illusionists.
I call them writers.
You may call them artists.
I call them fighters.

Oh, I think I should get to the point,
You are probably getting bored.
I want to ditch this joint
With something that can’t be ignored

Thinking about writing a poem has,
Come to an end.
I can’t believe it
I’m done my friend.


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