ahh.. so long ago

the holidays seem to have gone by rather slowly for me ..only coz i dont really remember eXactly what i did from day to day.. wow. but they are nearing and end. nooooo..
anyways. headaches.. been getting them lately.. since end of term is. i thought ..maybe due to emotional rollercoaster coz i havent been on one yet.. but the answer was simple!! my head has been growing s i d e w a y s. -_-' and my glasses are wAY too small for me
Hmmm.. lets see what did i do yesterday. I GOT MY EYES CHECKED!! ><. not that exciting but what was is that they arent gettin worse. *wo0T* so for a little party i will be gettin new frames. lol. this time they are red. i wanted black but six people around me said that the red was better. *shrugs*.. will be getting sometime during next week..possibly before the formal? *fingers crossed* ...
comments regarding what they look like >>
me: they look like some kinda visor. v funny looking
sister: cyclops .opTIC blASsssTT.. *psssh..chuuui chuui*
blast from the past >>> here are some pictsister: cyclops .opTIC blASsssTT.. *psssh..chuuui chuui*

Note to self: get a better camera
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