«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: //// odd ...scary... ///

Saturday, June 17, 2006

//// odd ...scary... ///

yesterday was last day of school YAY!

woke up 7am ish.. and there was this voice in my head.. this is what it said

A chill swept through my body,
the day that you stopped smiling.
You lay there unchanged, unmoved,
unaware of all the pass-a-byers

So still.

So cold was the touch of your hands
So eerie was the silence
So thin was the air around you
So neat and uncanny were you perfectly arranged

It was artifical
It wasn't you

I know you promised to never leave me
Your thoughts and last words,
so vivid in my whirlpool of a mind.

"Look up. Reach up. I will be apart of the stars.
You bring the sparkle and joy in my life.
All this would be reflected in the night sky.
Each twinkle you see is a jewel from me to you.
Remember the precious moments we had.
We will live forever...

So sudden were we one
So sudden did I lose
So sudden did they come
So sudden were you taken

I won't be able to see you face to face.
The earth sperates us:
the moving and the still.
Why did you leave me?
You made me strong.

I am only human
I can only blame myself
You shouldn't have been next to me
The blankets were meant for one

Forever guilty of not being honest
I have one last secret to share
I never meant to huurt you
But you shouldn't have been so close

All it took was one sleep.

One unexplainable nightmare
One walk whilst still unconscious
One knife from the kitchen bench
One way to end the demons that were fighting in my head
One strike before I climbed back to the security of the blankets
One morning
One wake
One scream
One blanket stained with red

One day we were lovers
One night was all it took
One day I lost my loved one
One night i will seek you

I am suffering
I am cursed
I am unworthy
I am a sleepwalker


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you write that?
It's really good!

9:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agreeing with anonymous

10:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also, I think Sandra must have wrote it because her previous post is very similar to one of the verses in the poem.

Nice drop Ritzy

10:44 PM  
Blogger Ritzy said...

wow..comments ..cool ^^

really something is similar? wah.. *goes and checks*.. lol i had no idea how i got that idea for a poem ><

2:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow sandra i must say that poem exceeds all mine put together hahah. WOW but did u write it? FOr some reason it doesnt sound like u. Doesnt sound like something u wud have on ur mind. BUt wow

9:20 PM  
Blogger Ritzy said...

yer i know ..weiRD! i physically put pen to paper if that's what ya mean.. but it was like someone was walking to me.. agh..i just woke up and wrote it down ^^

10:59 PM  

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