«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: If you were a mutant what would be youR POWER!??

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

If you were a mutant what would be youR POWER!??

righto here is the question >>>

"if you were a mutant what would you be called and what would be your power/s ??"


coz i might just use your answer for my vcd project.

this time round instead of packaging. *gah that killed me* i would be doing character design.. designing myself a MutIE!! hehee.. that should be fun and less work
*fingers crossed*



Blogger Ritzy said...

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11:04 AM  
Blogger Ritzy said...

(this is what i got so far)
Name: Aquila Angst

Codename: *thinking*

Context: hmm.. water creature sorta thingy?

Mutation: spikes protruding from the forarms and calf. they are made of extremely tough scales. acks as sharp daggers. She has yet to learn how control them. they are fixed and she could be classified as a morlock type character. Gills

Power: Swims extremely fast, breathe underwater, swift ninja like motion

11:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how bout.....
A hamburger eating robot that goes back into the past to save his friend which is a pie.....and the pie talks ^^......

hhhmm...ill make one up now...well my own ideas....

lets see...A boy with a british acsent...his name shall be auron hamasaki...code name...tim tam n_n....he can create chocolate using oxygen......mutation is..that he changes into willy wonka?maybe not...how bout he turns into a cat everytime a gender of the oposite sex hugs him and the cat is very cute and all....

so his powers are that he can make chocolate any brand using oxygen and he can turn into a cat whenever he gets hugged by the oposite sex =P...im smart


11:14 AM  

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