«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: JMC Academy FREE workshop.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

JMC Academy FREE workshop.

lol. yer.. the free bit was attracting me already!! blah..NOO.. just kidding..
the fact that it was Digital Film and TV workshop was woaH. lets go.. NOW!

soo 171 Bank st. south melbourne.. ermz.. i have absolutely NO idea of how to get there. bleh -_-' but yay. that's when monica comes in lol.. she went too ^^ thank youuuu!!

we didn't get lost and we arrived with 30mins to spare. the shops down there are soo.. hmm..aussie? and stuff expensive -_-'

OKay so what did we do??

- we went into a GREEN ROOM! ya.. it was green. plain green. this is where you film and later edit to get rid all all the greeness and add in special effects or background images. awesome ^^. I want a green room with a control booth in my house ^^

- we got to set up the lights. wow.. the TRIPODS are soo advanced.. they go up say. 3meters??

- professional cameras.. wow so expensive 30 graND! waHH *eyes pop out* they came in a case that was bigger than the one for fraNk.. *cough..my french horn * hehe. according to the BEST of the BESSSTT cameras available they record at a extremely HIGH resolution or something like that.. which can equal to 1GB per sEC!! WOAH. (okay i'm not complaining about disk space now)

- editing with final CUt prO v. 5!! ya.. cool.. ^^ so advanced..it's what they edited lord of the rings on according to the technicians at our school. hmm..it seems to be quite similar to adobe premier pro 2 which is what im using. yay. but final cut is better.. you can log clips (ie. import clips/raw footage) all at the one time instead of manually which is what i'm doing now -_-

- program AFTER EFFECTS.. i WANTTT!! this is where we edited and got "rid" of the green background with a simple.. "CLICK!!".seriouslly ONE CLICK!! .. woah.. amazing.. imagine all the nifty ninja tricks and effects ya can do ><.. you can FLY, flip.. do whatever ya waNT!

>> conclusion

JMC had nice staff...but i wont be going there..coz they dont provide job help and on our family income no way can we afford full paying feess. *sigh* film might just have to be a leisure thing for me


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