«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: muahaha..i grew.. =D

Thursday, August 18, 2005

muahaha..i grew.. =D

The day after parent teacher day.. bleh.. all good no school but i just happened to be extremely ill in the morning =_=' extreme headache, swollen thoart and my body's aching all over. So odd, since the day before i was just fine. *sigh.. was in bed until 2pm... Woke up finally and noticed that everything seemed a lot shorter.. haha. my sister shrunk was my first impression.. then.. hmm my one last growth spurt?? ^_-.. oh please let that be it. lol..

Went to school today.. feeling a little better so yer.. didn't skip.. but i just wanted to go for chem coz the acid base tritration stuff i really don't get.. English first.. boring.. continued with sac, chem and the teacher was AWAY!! -_-' still didnt' feel so great.. double chinese.. boring.. did oral.. but badly. MGM.. test results back. wow congrads EVA!! 100%.. amazing.. hehe.. and in methods the teacher was also away.. so i didn't miss much at all. could have skipped..

But hey.. i wanted to know if i grew lol.. stood up next to grace and she was in her high heels but hey!! me slightly taller !!! hehe.. ^_^ satisfied.. finally feel at an average height.. soo pplz i won't be complaining bout how i wanna be taller nowz.. =P

bands festival tonight.. wonder if we can claim that silver shield again.. or better still gold shield


Anonymous Anonymous said...

congrats on the growing =D

5:00 PM  

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