«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: hmm.. what's the word.. admire?? nono..

Friday, August 19, 2005

hmm.. what's the word.. admire?? nono..

Right.. debate at tuition.. We should have youth wages.. me on negative side.. hehe. come on i want more money.. haha.. i don't even have a job but neways.. yer...

It's two against three.. but it's alright coz in my team of two.. i have a pro debator lol.. congradz on making the state final.. hope ya win .. *thumbs up

Dunno how but during the lesson.. yes tuition on a friday.. [shut up]..we started talking about tv shows and Desperate housewives.. -__-' that is a really lame show.. wellz to me anyways..but what was more surprising was that Yan watches it.. wah!!!??? wellz.. at least he had the courage to say so.. channel 7's lost is way betta.. :P

Back to the debate.. it was crap haha.. we are doing it again next week.. but you can see that this one person was envious of Roland ..lol.. >.> the implied question expressed on his face was.. how could you not?? hmm.. wellz.. i'm not jealous that he has debating talent.. it's a fun challenge talking with these kinda pplz.. hmm..wonder what would happen if it was Roland vs. Skye. hehe.. i would wanna watch that..

yer.. lost for words.. i dont' evny em.. but admire..? nono.. that's definately not it.. hmm...


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