«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: what is wif moNday the 13th???

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

what is wif moNday the 13th???

It is like the biggest day for activities or something?? Soo many things happening:

1) Symphonic Wind band rehearsal 9-10.30 am -_-'
Sister's operation
3) Random walkout
4) Angel's b'day
5) Indi goes overseas [indo]

6) Ivy's b'day
7) Grandma at the age of 91 boards plane to China
8) Eating lunch at Cindy's place possibly
9) Dinner at Angel's place possibly

10) Watching a movie with friends
11) Zach goes overseas [malaysia]
12) ARgh..how can i fit this all in!!

Bleh..what are you doing on the 13th??

note to self: must get hands on a teleporting device or find a way to be at three places at one time.


Blogger M. Gabriela said...

but, if youre talking about monday the thirteenth and its barely saturday, how do you know whats happening on monday?

12:58 PM  
Blogger Ritzy said...

i know what is happening on monday because pplz have all these plans..and ack.. cant attend em all..

oh.and i was just offered work at the school on mon 13th too.. haha $10 per hour.. aww.. i wanna go to that too.. lol

2:06 PM  

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