«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: BUzzz....Zapp!!!...*squeals. .... ^_-

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

BUzzz....Zapp!!!...*squeals. .... ^_-

Pink!! Hehehe.. the text is pink.. bleh... it would never be this colour ever againz.. eeek.. hate pink.

wo0T!! NO MORNING CLASS today!! =D soo super happy and today was quite good too.. the weather was nice, no rain and it wasn't boiling hot... blah.. that can get rather annoying and smelly...newayz.. P.E first up for a change and had hip hop n funk class.. lol.. we looked so funny.. wellz.. maybe just me.. coz i can't do that fancy roll up dance move.. grr.. haha...

Then was geography.. BORING!!....until we had a room change because the door wouldn't open.. that was the best more of the day.. that's what i think...innocently sittin in class.. got some hand outs of exam crap ...then teacher stoppped talking and asked duncan wat was wrong... guess they were talking.. I have no idea. His reply was just , "My arm feels funny" - or something along those lines. 5 mins later he jumped out of his seat and swore and then we relized he was stung by a bee.. it was a big debate whether it was a bee or a wasp.. because there were two.. so ..yer.. the whole grade stopped.. and were fancinated by this dilemme.. turns out half the guys in our grade are really freaked out by bees.. and the other half are freaked of wasps.. lol. I was suprised how little a creature could cauze so much riot. Blah.. it was over very soon.. Duncan went to the nurse because he was allergic to bees. But i would never forget.. Jon W... squirming and freaking out, shouting "We are all going to die!!! ARGH!!" And he really meant it =/

Photography was awesome!!! I developed my photos are they ARE SO GOOD!!! lol.. not boosting here..but it's just that every time we developed something this year.. I sucked.. and couldnt' get it right.. I LUV PHOTOGPRAHY!! lol.. but now the year is nearly over.. awww =(..... no fair.. Haha.. nargena looks japansese in my photos.

Science was good... watched movie.. forgot what it was called.. more like dunno how to spell it but anyways...

Maths ...urggh......but english was good.. pplz still did there talks.. quite funny....


Blogger Sara Lee said...

uh huh, uh huh. uh huh, uh huh

2:47 PM  
Blogger Ritzy said...

haha.. lol some people do come along now and then =D

6:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is Nj again. A very memorable moment u have recorded there. its amazing how our class somehow ' came togetehr' ina way on this, fateful, last day.
I got a mobile! yay
HMmmmmmBEEEEZZZ hahahhaha, duncan u are hilaious man

1:56 AM  

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