«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: Monday 8th Nov

Monday, November 08, 2004

Monday 8th Nov

Bleh, lol actually going to keep an online diary lol... I AM SO BORED!! lol.. this will probably last only two dayz but yer =P

Hmmm...today.. woke up earlier to do stupid science project when I realized it was due on WEDNESDAY!! ack.. -_-'.....ah wellz.. more time to do nuffin i guess..

Today was monday. bleh start of the week.. english first up.. when i insisted on not going since i had a dentist appointment at 9.30....shesshh... the things i have to do.. just to obey meh parents... wish i never got these stupid braces.. never wanted them in the first place.
NEwayz... i did my english speech.. yes.. over and done with.. and i quite liked my topic .. hehe it was ok.. and easy!! it was swearing! =P But then i had to leave and go to stupid dentist hopeing my braces will come off..but nooooooooo...need to wear more gay elastic bands.. GRRRRRR!

Bleh, small biz was quite boring.. except the fact that Suijah is totally insane.. lol... she had a lollypop right.........then we were in class and i was sitting next to her... then she got her scissors and cut the plastic stick of the chupachup stick =S is that weird or WHAT? so she had a lollypop with half a piece of plastic in her mouth!! i was just laughin my head off.. after 10 mins of laughin i realized she did that so the teacher coudlnt' tell her off for eating in class.. bleh... come on.. can't ya just bite the lolly bit off.. and chuck the stick away...lol.. but that made me survive small biz...

Science was...boring
Lunch was boring...
And so was the rest of the day.......*sigh

Oh... dammit.. we still had band ...grr... AND GRACE DIDN:T!! i mean come on!! the was heaps of space for her tiny band to play in but nooooooo -____-.... blah.. and the whole entire symphonic wind had to cram their way into M4...grr... but we didnt' play anything really. lol....being first horn player is freaky,.. esp wen ya all by yaself.... ekk.......



Anonymous Anonymous said...

U crack me up SANDRAMAN
yes, pity the things u have to do for:
- ur parents
- ur band
- ur braces and for boring days in general
Mmmmm, i agree, *sigh*
Oh well, signing out, NJ

2:00 AM  

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