«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: Buzz baffles all

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Buzz baffles all

An average Tuesday would consist of all the boring class especially geography. However, Tuesday the 9th of November had something else prepared for 10G1. Before, this subject the students would have attended P.E. The girls had their hip hop and funk session while the boys where off else where.

Geography would have been extra boring because the session was for exam preparation. =P It was due to an odd occurance of the average bee and wasp that made the class spin. First signs of it appeared when teacher asked fellow student Duncan whether he was alright. His reply was, "My arm feels funny". Ten minutes after the strange reply Duncan jumped out of his seat and started flapping this arms around. To the rest of the students they believed it looked rather queer yet funny at the same time. Swearing from the bee bitten student was what happened next. The laughter only died down when students realized he was allergic to bees.

After, the instant run to the nurse, most people were worried. Especailly the male students. Fifty percent of them were afraid of bees, while the other fifty were afraid of wasps. This was rather a shocking fact because the creature was 100th of their size. However, the event was to be considered serious after on student believed it to be life threatening. One student Jon exclaimed, "ARgh!! We are all going to DIE!!" and goes all red with embarassment and shock.

Such an event was the highlight and disturbance of the day. In future, we should never turn the fans on while a bee is in the room. This only causes more riot and kids hiding under tables...*cough cough.. not mentioning any names....matt and allen....


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