«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: FIRST EXAM!! - ENglish

Friday, November 19, 2004

FIRST EXAM!! - ENglish

Wellz, yer.. first year ten exam. Eekk.. but the weird thing is that i wasn't worried at all. Odd.. usually i will be like.. ARGH!! goina FAIL!!.. maybe it's the fact that Mr. Webster wrote the paper and he marks kinda easy. WEllz, hopefully. Managed to finish and woOt!! greatnesss.. one down.. three to go. Geez, that suks! HATE MATHS!!! GOINA FAIL THAT FOR SURE.. bleh

Afterwards, i was pretty much roaming aimlessly around the glen, school, E.G, happy cup with Jenny, Nicole, Nargena and Grace..

Hmm..after science exam NO MORE!! wooohooo!! Wouldn't it be nice if the whole class then went to watch a movie!! yeah.. we must ALL go and see THE GRUDGE!!! that would be ultimate coolness *cough cough.. excuse the crappy language. But still, the whole class watching a horror movie !! AWESOME!

wat are your opinions.. and how was ya day?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

the exams are stupid, i hate exams. i cheated in them too
yes it would be cool to watch the grudge, i was even scared of the advertisment.

8:45 PM  
Blogger Ritzy said...

no kidding!! No movie ad caught my attention like that one did.. must.. watch it..

8:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

greetings... its hertosexual harry here...
i would have to agree with sandra in the sense that it was reativly eassy.. but well i'm a stress head so well u know i stressed majorly over it.... but french ahhhhh i faild that for sure.. it was way way to hard!! so yea... like the other person i don't like exams they stress me out way way to much and way cyaz!

6:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

GO final fantasy
um, this would be NJ aka blondie??

wll exams were FUN , except for studying for them
but other than that i would have failed em all cause when i enjoy an exam or teset i usually fail it =D LOL
i am listening to FFX music, wow, go tidus, lurve u

1:39 PM  

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