«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: Eva's b'day [...n party]

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Eva's b'day [...n party]

The 11th Dec and 7.30pm - 10pm was Eva's b'day party at Sofia's..
yummmmmmm =P Total of 12 pplz went and aww.. don't i feel special haha.
The whole house was empty that day. Grandma went over to aunties house because she is boarding plane ta china TOMOrrow.. Mum went to her xmas party thingo, dad working late, i'm goin ta party =D so sister had to go over to angel's house (avoid being home alone haha).

Hmmm.... so I got a lift with the b'day girl!! hehe.. I haven't been to that resturant in ages.. and pfft.. i never knew sophie worked there =P but it seems like everyone already knew she was working there for the whole year.. blah.. It was so busy, lots of pplz, don't think i would wanna work there.

We decided to order big plates with a combination of lots of different types of pasta and spaghetti etc. Wow.. there was a big range alright, say 7 types in total. Ack.. i didnt' know we were having the pasta i thought we just were having the pizza. so, blah.. after three big slices you are kinda full =(

Hahaa.. we had cake at the end had eva's choc sponge cake with tiramisu cream on the outside. yummm... hehe.. but obviously jenny was satisfied.. she had to order her gelati *rolls eyes.. we all know sofia's serve massive gelatis and wah.. we were all so bloated. haha.. What happened next was most unexpected..

All we could do was stare and wonder who would take the first chunk of the italian ice cream. It was stacked up so high you didn't want to breathe or it was fall down. Blah.. and the cup it was in .. was sooo tiny. It looked like the leaning tower of piza literally. Jenny and Crystal were first to grab their spoons and get scoops of the ice cream but [yep ya guessed it].. it fell.. SPLAT!

It was still in one piece but the only problem was that it was smack bang side on, on the table.. HAHAHAHa... the whole restaurant was actually laughing as well... it was two seconds of shock and three minutes of continuous laughter. What could we have done?

Wellz, coming to her senses Quyen knew the gelati had ta be picked up so she grabbed the top of it and placed it back upright on the plate! hahahaha... then no one wanted ta eat it..coz yeah...her finger marks were still all over the top of the gelati...lol, i was probably the last one to stop laughin, it was hilarious! So, she ate the top bit and to prevent and more falls we tipped all of the ice cream onto the nearest plate.. *help yaselves..

Blah.. went home wif jenny and ack... i have such a bad
sense of direction..
Stayed at angel's place till dad came back.. walked home at 12am...pitch black.. -_-'



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