«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: May.. shall be picture posts!

Sunday, May 06, 2012

May.. shall be picture posts!

Welcome to my World =]


if you don't know me, according to those around me, I am labeled as the following in no particular order:
12 year old boy - Victor
dork - James
loser - Monica
eccentric - Jason
friendly - high school mates
the safe + 1, that would get along with anyone - Michael
weirdo - Ling/Sara
creative - Vincent
the oracle - JeeWee (lewl)
everyone's 6-degree of separation - Dennis
douchebagette - Frank
ain't ya ever down girl? - Joey
crazy - DD
bipolar - Clay
energetic - Daniel T
happy-go-lucky - Ihraz
anime character - Kyla/Fiona
black hole - Grace
gleeful - Daryl
button-basher - Sam
rude - David
autistic - D
emotional incompetent - V ...grr
active- Tim
hopeless - Paul
hmm..now that I think about it, those aren't exactly positive things >.> damn
but i beg to differ.

my world is quite different though to your average twenty-something-year old female.
crazy highs, and incredibly depressing sudden lows, that do disappear as soon as the next shiny object catches my eye >.> how random. since my health care card expires i might as well visit a psychologist and see what they do for a living lewl.
But i reckon the above visual captures it. amongst the uncanny coincidences/unexpected encounters that flood by weeks, days, minutes, there is an eerie peace, a quite confidence, a blessed assurance, amongst the mess of 'self'.

suspensefully animated =P
sustained at a fragile odd vector
on the side_

contemplating study : audiology, counselling
work: HR, clinical
property: own...rent..move out?

a premature question to which I don't have an adequate answer:
tell me, seriously
convince me,
what is the point of a female going to bible college?
because I personally don't see the significance of it =P
sure it could be helpful, useful,
by in my puny mind, I haven't got a winning reason,
as it is not necessary

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