«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: aHHH!!!! I want to go ><"

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

aHHH!!!! I want to go ><"

Éilis Kennedy
Pauline Scanlon
Noriana Kennedy
Nicola Joyce

strange name i know.
reminds me of Dreamgale. - another high recommend of mine.

check em out - listen - *link

"..glittering array of artists to perform a beautiful set of songs that emerge from the timeless and windswept landscapes of an ancient world that still lives on in the modern imagination. With elegant accompaniment from some of Ireland and Australasia's top musicians, they bring us on a journey of movement and migration, through leaving and homecoming, sharing with us the beauty and a poignancy of nations steeped in love, loss and joy"

"contemporary voices from a mystical past" ....so they say....

Playing at Melbourne Recital Centre 29th June - *link*
Drats its a Friday ><"

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