lalala....a picture

Light orange-brown hair, long fringe wisped right, piercings, saftey pin in one ear, colourful tattoo of a young boy holding onto balloons in the shape of stars and planets on right arm, wollen jumper, listening to music, reading Fathers and Sons, READING A BOOK!, dark green chucks, red with white polka dot bow tie.
I was must intrigued...
I don't see many people apart from med students reading books (and text books don't really count) and business people reading novels on the train.
Then we both called our parents at the same time to pick us up from the station. 0_____0
His voice was soooooooooooooooooooooooo gentle and mismatched to his appearance.
anywho.. now to random trippy story...
21.42 wasn't sure if stupid myki swiped off so went through the open gates again to click off, bumped into dennis still in a suit! and friend Q. Sheesshh. someone works late and then eats awesome food *cough* take me to teppanyaki =P
Wondering past the buses trying to spot my lift home. A guy light bumps into me, in a rush it seems with an aura of actually-i-don't-care-im-in-a-rush-meh mumbled "sorry"
i dunno if it was the uncertainty of life lingering in his voice that caught my attention or the fact that he bumped into me. But i looked up. and noticed. oh.. my..could this be? I have a knack for recognising people from the back. weird. i am better at recognising people from behind then their faces >.>
anywho. if this was me four years ago I would have shouted his name but that was then.
I briskly followed, overtaking, to take a glance backwards. ZOMG IT WAS HIM!!!
The guy that I met on the train whom i hadn't seen in four years! the guy who started it all with the whole exchange of phone numbers business. the guy who made me miss my first year psych tutorial as lunch "nearby" turned into korean bbq quite far away ><"
"heys~! how are you!?"
"oh. hello"
"You're smoking! Stop! It's bad for you"
"well you know I work and I'm stressed..."
(I mental blanked here)
"this is like how we met. bumping into each other on the train"
"I haven't seen you in ages, I thought you were overseas"
"I was, now I'm back"
"we should catch up! now you have no excuse!
My numbers still the same"
and with that he flicked his cigarette into the bushes (shameful) and entered a fancy car, mind preoccupied, probably not caring about anything I just said. who knows when we shall next bump into each other LOL. so random."oh. hello"
"You're smoking! Stop! It's bad for you"
"well you know I work and I'm stressed..."
(I mental blanked here)
"this is like how we met. bumping into each other on the train"
"I haven't seen you in ages, I thought you were overseas"
"I was, now I'm back"
"we should catch up! now you have no excuse!
My numbers still the same"
on the side_
status full time worker starts next MONDAY!!!
status full time worker starts next MONDAY!!!
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