hmm.. so in the past week, i've been required to suit up and confront some professionals whom i have no idea how to converse with. two outcomes thus far: friendly education vs grilled to the core =.=" grilled soo hard...
we'll see.
although i am surprised i was able to be picked for the corporate world
yet so easily rejected by coles and pancake parlour. grr you.. grrr..
in the mean time. still career hunting. *waiting uni results*

context: oscar show moment
Co-host Anne Hathaway took her turn in a tux as she complained in song that Hugh Jackman had ditched her to sing "On My Own." The first-time Oscar host had a cameo musical moment with Jackman when he hosted in 2009, but this year she sang, "He stuck his fake retractable claws into my heart when he left me on my own," referencing Jackman's role as Wolverine.
we'll see.
although i am surprised i was able to be picked for the corporate world
yet so easily rejected by coles and pancake parlour. grr you.. grrr..
in the mean time. still career hunting. *waiting uni results*

context: oscar show moment
Co-host Anne Hathaway took her turn in a tux as she complained in song that Hugh Jackman had ditched her to sing "On My Own." The first-time Oscar host had a cameo musical moment with Jackman when he hosted in 2009, but this year she sang, "He stuck his fake retractable claws into my heart when he left me on my own," referencing Jackman's role as Wolverine.
sometimes. its just awkward.
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