«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: a [insert adjective] story...

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

a [insert adjective] story...

bwhahah blundered my way in. blundered my way out.

such is the funny (for lack of better word, and frank i refuse to use stupid =P ) story of how i managed to progress through to the final stage of interviews, to dialogue with a business director of a global company, in a field of which i had no expertise.

started with my apply for one job a day thing, which is still going... =P
super tired after filling out apps, but heys. what's this. Business Analyst position and they accept Arts/Science degree graduates. awesome. i have both. *later to find out the fine print of "must have completed some business subjects* ooopss... does Entertainment Industry at Haas Business School at Berkeley count? haahaha..

so autopilot mood, copy and pasted pretty much their company "about us" page into the boxes and left multiple spots blank. hehe. applied for jokes. MISTAKE no. 1 [don't apply for jobs for lols]

only to be caught off guard by a telephone interview of which i screwed up majorly.
"i can call you back in 45mins, i advise you to research our business"
"WHAT THE HECK!!" oh nuts. i wasn't sure if i hung up before i said that MISTAKE no. 2 [contain randomness til 10mins after you hang up]

was informed it would be 15mins. mine was only 6mins. clearly there wasn't much they were impressed with.
"okay, we shall leave it there for today, do you have any questions"
"ah yes. i do actually. you mentioned the different levels of the program before, may you inform me of the roles within those different aspects" - MISTAKE no. 3
"that would take me a whole day to explain, you should read the readily available information on our graduate website, (which you should have looked at before applying to gain an understanding of the roles) GG! [research thoroughly before thinking you ask a clever question]

First round interview_
MISTAKE no. 4 [corporate attire does not include my only pair of decent black shoes]
MISTAKE no. 5 [didn't read position description through to answer the questions asked =.=]

Final round interview_
MISTAKE no. 6. Didn't wake up early enough to eat breakfast, thanks to late night movie and pig out >.>
MISTAKE no. 7. Was caught fiddling/failing with trying to read the Financial Review on their waiting table, because the A3 pages were alien to my hands.
MISTAKE no. 8. Wore the exact same outfit, as i thought i was going to be interviewed by different people. WRONG. one dude was the same =.=""""

lalala talk talk talk
"What do you know about cash flow?"

oh boy . "i think from my limited understand as i don't come from a business background it is..."
then the next ten minutes involved them trying to give me tips and poke me in thought avenues that might result in me miraculously guessing the right answer. >.>
actually the end result was the director giving me a one on one, personal 101 intro to commerce/business world class. inside i was feeling quite sorry for them, but i enjoyed learning the basics from a person of his position. pity it wasn't a classroom setting but a job interview.

then a set of scenarios "you are a owner of this company.. and x happens. what do you do?" kinda thing.

more random chit chat of which I let out a random laugh MISTAKE no. 9

"this is not funny" - Director

at that point i'm certain i did not get the position, not that i thought at any point i would get it in any stage of the recruitment process.

"what do you do on a daily basis, where do you see yourself in the future?" MISTAKE no. 10
"..retired" - Director


shut down. note to self, don't ask those questions to directors.

but the conversation that followed was interesting, as i asked question of why they do what they do, the program specifics giving their long history or why the sudden change of implementing this recruitment strategy. their outlook on sustainable business.

"why do you ask?" - Director

"I am curious to see different decision on such proposals and
have been talking to a few business managers about their outcomes..."

"so was my response a good one? you can be honest" - D

*nods* "yes"

exchanged last innocent random smile of mine,
as i walked out the door of a neat professional office building, taking a glance of the lady to be interviewed next i presume....
hmm.. why do girls cake their face with make up? i was at least 7 meters away and saw them through thick glass doors.. and it was still noticeable. bleh a rant for another day.

follow up call_
exchange of thanks and lol "I'm a little disappointed" - recruiter
bwhahaha.. then this took me by surprise


*closes chapter*

on the side_
wonder what random adventures summer shall bring =]

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Anonymous Momotsuki said...

Nice and congrats!

1:13 PM  

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