«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: inhale...

Thursday, September 16, 2010


for get ready for the biggest sigh of my life.

its been like 4 years since i've regretted anything.. ANYTHING..

gamsat is tomorrow..
i had three months EASY to prepare..and half a year if i was uber organised.

and i did nothing


im so sorry
and pathetic ..
and im blogging it?

zomg this is so sad


saturday.. i do not know how i will respond Y_____________Y"



Blogger vincema said...

nooooooooooo don't give up!!! :( otherwise the last 4 years would've been for nothing...?

Neways i'm sure you did fine :) i'll ask how you went later today haha

2:12 PM  

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