«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: A good scare is worth more to a man that good advice

Thursday, September 09, 2010

A good scare is worth more to a man that good advice

ZOMG OKAY 27mins essay for gamsat practise in response to the prompt above.
gamsat next friday.

below is LOL the raw essay. no corrections, full of mistakes and don't quote me on anything. i did make a lot of stuff up. LOLLL

so there you go, here is what my brain can produce in less than half an hour under the pressure of the biomed library closing ><"
yes - health, child experience (stress), painful stim. retract
smoking package/media
no.ish - tell people advice thru uni, take it into account, but scare stats. detrimental effects of cancer etc etc

To be wise is lifelong process. Gaining wisdom from mistakes and experiences may be an extremely painful one especially when one is faced with repeated failed attempts at the same task. Thus it goes without saying, that advice and word of mouth insight passed down from generations can only get you so far in life. Ultimately it's the personal scare to man that renders experience significant to the extent it may elicit change.

Even since a young child, it's the good scare that causes us to refrain from risk or dangerous tasks. The first time we get scolded at by our parents truly comes as a shock to our system. It is from their scolding that I learnt that it's inappropriate to take other childrens belongings. I've come to understand that such a deed is apart of the act of stealing and it is indeed a serious offense. These shocks do not have to be of the reprimand fashion but they may be physical as well. Many a times as young children we wish to help out our parents in the kitchen, poking our heads into every cupboard and getting out hands stuck into every container. It is not until we brush our delicate plum fingers against the hot plate do we get an alarming response to our sensory system. This burns, this hurts, I must ever do this again. This scare keeps us safe from dangerous situations and we learn.

The use of stare tactics if one were to put it has been recognised and implemented in public health campaigns. As you sit and wait in the doctor's room you are exposed to posters listing numbers diseases you can barely pronounce along side horrific images associated with them. The earliest I recall is one of twisted toe nails from fungus growth - one I definately do not want. These posters can only go so far as to give a warning. It is not until it becomes personal before the message really sticks. Take that of lung cancer from cigarrette smoke. Many, if not all, packets now display graphical images of cancer sufferers and their tumours or symptoms. Ironincally, people acknowledge it's a "bad" and avoidable outcome, but they continue smoking. Many factors attribute to the act, but a good scare to one's physical health or of a loved one having died from cancer has that great potential to drive the point home. As humans we collectively share the thought, that we don't want to die.

On the other hand, advice given from a respectable figure in society such as a professor or academic may also be helpful in changing one's attitude. Often, a profound saying may sway one's mindset and dig deep at the soul, constantly lingering arousing cursity and provoking action. Such a phase such as "Cow's down lie" was enough to convince a friend to turn away from meat and persue a statisfying vegetarian lifestyle. Others are purly persuaded by statistics and motivated to refrain from certain acts, like that of the cigarette smoking whereby you have a 70% chance of dying from cancer. There is no doubt, advice if heeded to, will alter one's mindset and lifestyle.

Ultimately, it comes down to the observation that threats to one's well being or scares to system whether phsyical of moral, has a high changes of changing attitudes. It is both a combination of the scare, the advice and how personal these aspects are that will determine change.



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