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Tuesday, September 07, 2010

so. im meant to be studying

but i applied for a job instead

hmm $31 an hour. dang it XD

application status_

1. exchange (jan - aug 2011) - submitted, awaiting response from host uni

2. ANU research vaction work (nov 2010 - feb 2011) - submitted, unknown status

3. unimelb job - (oct 2010 - jan 2011) - submitted, unknown status

4. acmi visitor services job for the disney exhibition ( nov 2010 - april 2011) - haven't applied..but thinking about it XD

DEHH.. i can only be accepted into one..
geez. all the dates clash..

or i could be rejected from all >.>

or clone myself lewl. *borrow powers from Jamie , Multiple from Xmen if you didnt know =P

which means. ROAD TRIP!! wooT .. i wanna go great barrier reef


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Blogger Chun said...

!!! Exchange!!! Where!??? Btw, cool blog =D

10:31 PM  

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