«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: emptiness

Monday, May 24, 2010


is playing with my mind.

uni is academically rich no doubt with boundless opportunities.
but the irony is... so many of the people find it empty ....

qusetions they ponder.

what is it that makes me rock up for an 8am lecture?
what other things do they wish to do?
is it statisfying?
is it what they wish to do?
is it achievable?

i have no idea how they sort it out. but im interesting to investigate scientific backgrounds of self and consciousness , how process of failures of expectations is a facinating one.

but that woudl require me to do well in studies. Y_Y" gah dang it. and i dont like reserach or labs. from prac experiences.
maybe i'll just read about it in the literature.
hmm.. will i let laziness win.

two things horribliy win > brain

stomach - IM HUNGRY
laziness - ________-

hmm to go to that arts masters session or not at 6.30pm ..
ugh. wonder what kinda pplz i met on the train home at night


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