«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: side not ramblings....

Monday, May 17, 2010

side not ramblings....

Camberwell Girls Grammar School & Collingwood Football Club
proudly support

Nurturing Independence, Commitment & Knowledge

Effective Parenting To Help Nurture Children Through Sport
Parents and their teenage children are encouraged to attend this forum to hear and share stories
about how to nurture your children and develop their resilience through sport.
Do you expect too much of them?
Are you confused about how to maintain their interest and how
to help them deal with setbacks?
Are you communicating effectively with your child?

"....a charitable organisation. Sport provides an outstanding opportunity for emotional, social and physical growth.How we handle those critical moments with our children helps to shape the people they become."

lol that snippet was from quite some time ago, when i saw on a tram the ad for THENICKFOUNDATION!!! no way!! coz.. of course.i think of nick fun first =P

.sigh. at uni and just wasted an hour. niuuuu nust do RM assignment which david wang has so kindly kicked started.
i dont think i will be ready to hit the work force anytime soon
.no internships dont help.
does that really mean i need to stay at uni for honours and masters.
i sure hope not.
but im not getting anywhere thus far.
and grades are shocking.
only i am to blame.

impending dooom!! of forth year studies. gahhh...


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