«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: Across the Sea CONCERT~~!!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Across the Sea CONCERT~~!!!

okay so yesterday Saturday the 15th of May was epic indeed.

wake up, early.
9am - at glen waverley english tutioning until - 11.45am

dash to david wang's place for him to fix up my stats program install. YAY THANKS SO MUCH!! wheeeeeeeee i have spss now..

at his place til lyn came over and wahh.. the weird stories you hear when you take pplz xrays. scary.. sif get apple cores stuck up ya bum. =.="

2.50pm finding parking at kingsway

3pm - delayed lunch with VICTOOOOOOORRRRRRR =]

tasted soy milk jelly for the first time, 30%-like, 70%-dislike

shopping with victor ^^ for micheal's gift hehee. which turns out he already has ..poopies

bummage at Michael Tj's place.. wheee its been a while since i've been, met heaps of monash pplz and had those hello panda cookies .forgot how good they taste XD

hmm it appears that general topic of converstations goes along the lines of this _
heys! I'm *insert name here*
How are ya?
How do you know the b'day boy?
Now..where have I seen /met you before?
What course are you studying?
Play any intstruments?
ZOMG! you have never heard of ROY MORGAN! loooool

(repeat x 10)

the the gamsat is really freaking me out.
would be good if i could get into something post grad that had 100% employment rate such as optom. or something =]
but yaknow.. despite the fact im in 4th year science, a commerce or engineering kid taking the test would do just as well or actually realistically..they would prolly do a zillion times better ><"
im just hoping the english componnent will pull me though ..
<3 english. but i dunnoz. its so subjective

will update in two years time to inform you where im at.

dropped by old house, to pick up lawn mower. zomg that thing is heavy and oily and greasy and ugh

drove to franks, and off to MONASH PHIL CONCERT!!

vince ma's camera has the videos and some blurry photos i took XD
zomg i missed such a good season ><" pirates!! under the sea!!! so much fun ><" ah next sem ah next sem..

the music is in my blood.. i cant live without it. DANG BASS DRUM AND TIMPANI look like SO MUCH FUN!!

bumped into jeewee, jeemeng, ze (sorry i cant spell ya name), and zac lee!!!!

wah what a day..



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