«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: bake day #3 >.> EGG TARTS!!!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

bake day #3 >.> EGG TARTS!!!

I ATE THIS ONE! hahahahah.
the only one that averaged out to be
non stuck to paper,
not super tough cruncy crust
and decent amount of egg filling

hehehh ^^

bwhahhahaa...yet another bake day @ yan's.

i really like em. ^-^ dont remember how it started..or who started them.. but they will prolly continue for a looong time hahhahah..

anyways. .. we judge on taste as always. ..but this time we wanted to try and get as close as we could to those fancy HongKong style egg tarts ya get at yum cha..
amibious?? yer. i reckon =.="
it was destined for failure hahhaha.. and mess..

day started at 10am -.- zomg so early .. everyone skipped breakfast =.="
bought stuff from safeway. and grr..angry grumpy lady monitoring us at the self serve thingo
she didn't think we were over 18 haha..

you need to be over 18 to buy vanilla esscence coz it has alcohol in it!! =O i had no idea.

yan's fridge smells ...BAD -.-

Now.. photos! team: sara n i ..
hmm..looks funny.

overworked the dough XD
ours was the only one with attempt at the layers for crust
bwahaha 2nd time round it was more so cookies.
v. tough cookies =.=
team: victor/sam
haha they didnt have muffin tray..so foil..
and FAIL..
lesson learnt: foil cannot support itself vincent rocked up after everything was done..
so made to clean ..ahahahah!oh.and he was taste testerrrr

anyways. end result. bits of everyone's tart had aspects really close to egg tarts..and then everything else looked nuffin like it hahah..
this one actually was flaky!! photo doesnt do it justice =P

overall results.. dun dun DUN! team david/clay won =Pi bet coz you guys had the MOST sugar in yours.
But! it looked more like cheese cake then anything =P
haha.. followed receipe off peter's blog *click* looks nuffin like itbwhahaha.. crust failed!


Blogger Pierre said...

that's alot of people baking... and that looks nothing like the tart LOL! i'll try find more asiany tart pastry recipe :)!

1:05 PM  

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