«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: its times like these that ....

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

its times like these that ....

i need to borrow a brain or two or three XD...

hmm...kinda selfish..

..but i dont think i can fit all these info im "suppose" to know in my head..

..there just isnt space..


maybe i should hurry up and decide what i really want to do in a few years time.

..but the answer is always..

"i want to slack off"

guess..that's my problem..

and its dang cyclic.

frikin life is catching up on me...
no more blinding myself..and staying up into the clouds

on the upside.
..orochi is having another gig at chinatown.. yay..this time its free..lol... =]
bank details reset..yay now i can check lol..
hmmz...7.5% interest..but still T_T ages away from gettin new car.
yer..mine is unroad worthy
i dont know what speed im going at after 60km/h
mark is gettin us tickets to be in a studio audience for upcoming chn9 game show
iron is coming out soon =D
anzac day is to be looked forward to

on the side_

Tank says:
ok but channel bandit is where you go and take your remote (universal) and run around the neighborhood changing peoples TV channels, raising the volume, turning it off ... from outside their window

LOL! you make me laugh..

edit: everyone makes me laugh -.=


Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAHAH i wish i could borrow a few brains. it would really help me out!

1:05 PM  

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