«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: the break that has been...

Thursday, March 27, 2008

the break that has been...

ZARGG!!! was suppose to start homework on tues =.='

waking up in the morning with the immediate thought of write up your physio prac isnt nice ><"
why am i so unproductive. kk. lets see what did i do.. hahah ..been kinda lazy with the memory thing of late since I no longer feel the need to do so 0_0.. wow change huh? probably because i'm looking forward to the day rather than.. insisting on recollecting the past. hmm..a different perspective and a whole different outlook.. kinda creepy ..

friday - GOOD friday - sent sister to airpot.. G'day USA! WAH! no fair =.=' gave her a little project. take that penguin toy of mine and take photos with it around america. LOL! oh yer.. ya suppose to name it david =P

sat - was. der..*thinks* i dont remember hahahha

sun - church, farewell of youth paster daniel.. overseas mission wAH! for soo long !!! and party party.. yay!! brother and sis ter in Christ Jasmine and Jason =] touching testimonies. (sorry couldnt attend ya bbq jenny XD )

break for an hour or so

then kelvin's gathering at sofias.
i wish i had the gift of saying the right things and the right time.. and helpful things at that.
oh wells.. at least i okay at listening .. i think XD

mon - lunch + dinner @ aunts. full day of gah.. pplz stuffing food down.. our family eats way too much.. and overestimates my stomach capacity. according to mum..you are suppose to eat more and more every year.. HELLO!! THAT"S NOT FRIKIN POSSIBLE =.=' i stop. and 2nd lunch ..and 2 dinner.. =.=" 2nd dinner is really pushing it.. XD
watched movies daniel lent me. ..
surprisingly bridge to teribitha however ya spell it =P was presented quiet well. 0_0 despite my great dislike in the book.

tues - movie - The Eye - had no idea what it was. but someone mentioned horror..which skewed my viewing of it. .. i think it was suppose to be soft thriller.. so i expected to much XD.. BGWHahahahah!! @ yuelei and the pplz crouched so tightly in the seats and squealling. gahahaha.. the only freaky thing was not in the movie..BUT THE PERSON NEXT TO YOU STROKING YOUR FACE! grrr >: [

crashed yan's place...ate all his snacks :]
Apparently i type 71words a min >.>

bumped into - karen, mark, avis, matt, phillip, vanessa

and met Lesley however ya spell it ...

forgot what i did rest of the day.. got as far as printing out what i had to read ><

- early rise. 0_0 Apples for breakfast. wow so healthy.. and walked to victor's place to return CD's ...woah.. i believe you now frank.. that gallaghers hill is massive =.="
took 35mins hmm..same time for grace's place. bwaahaha woke up the household

this might become a habit..early walks are niceeeeeeeee ^-^ peaceful
and makes you so awake 0_0 but yer dont think i can do it on a school day with a heavy bag =P

walked to chun's place - guitar jamin' with david alex andy. first time i've seen a chinese wooden flute and heard it...WAHHH PRO!!!
david's song writing skills are out of this world.. !!
and chun's inspired me to dig a massive hole in my backyard too.. hahahhaah
he has this pond there now .. with FISH-iesss!! =P
so. anyone wanna help me? hahhhaa

walked home. and WHAT THE weather!? pouring/raining T_T... looked so helpless juggling a guitar, bag, and umbrella that almost blew me away T_T petrol station = shelter hahaha

almost forgot i had work .. =.='
train home with steph.

things to do _
memorise 54 scientific plant names
study @ hinkler reserve. .someone join me !! *looks both ways* there's a playground???
finish a picture
read more
get that comic subscription
finish watchin jekyll
write to jeewee + jeemeng


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