«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: sum up

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

sum up

- is way behind in EVERYTHING!
my gosh... and probably this will never end with the amount of stuff.. continuially adding to the ridiculous pile in life.
gah.. this mac has a dodgy keyboard.. also no instant spell checking T^T ... wow i have relied on that feature for WAY too long...

to be posted_
sandcastle thingyo pictures .. >.>

to be studied _
ESP. HORN!! aRGHhh.. its been way too long *sob*

to be visited_
exhibitions esp. game on... and that fashion thingy >.>

to be fixed_
-INTERNET CONNECTION--GAH!! it died on me this morning.. just as i have to submit "pre prac" crap..
gahh.. waking up angel in the early morn. is becoming a habit and i dont want it to be *sob*
- head down to bank and figure out password ..
bleh.. no idea how much money in my bank .hahhahaa.. T_T
-my priorities

to be created_
shoe design, shirt design,

to be obtained_
frikin time management skills
a bike
a sewing machine
more fabric markers
a better brain -_-
comic subscription.. STILL ..gah. never goina get around to it

and finally a train rant_
daniel loi - + make up + wig = "pretty *scary* girl" 0_0
adrian yeoh - studying maths.. HAHAhaha
merlin - almost didnt recongise...
annie - wow looks so different 0_0
que son - uses his shoes as a note book ^-^

and random quotes_

"tsk tsk...you are crossing at a red light"
"oh yer..hahaha..oops..well tsk tsk to you too.. you followed"
"but ya see.. that way i can push you over the curb when a car comes..."
[is speechless at his incredible fast response 0_0]

"he is going to drive me to the city.. haha.. he'll pick me up from the next station.. he's scared for me travelling on the train alone as i always fall asleep" - merlin
hahhaha..you sure do fall asleep a lot =P

"hey issac would you kiss me if i asked you to?" - greg
LOL WHAT THE!!! steph and i have never pulled such a surprised/shocked/twisted expression on our faces before..
so random ..aahhahaha

"you have to dress up goth" - fiona
"yer..sure..one day one..day.." >.> no one would recongise me though.. hahahaha


Blogger SunsetFlare~[Lyn] said...

sounds like you've got some creative stuff happening there xD
and i'm scared i might be getting a little behind on some stuff too, need to be studying more but i'm so lazy... lol

and it seems like everyone's been having internet problems lately... actually mine are more computer problems, i'm amazed i got it to turn on and function normally today o_o

1:18 AM  

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