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Friday, April 11, 2008


righto atm @ comp lab.

bleh. web mesenger decides not to work..and i have no idea what printer my lecture notes are printing to >.>


this sounds interesting.. http://www.acmi.net.au/gameon_tantalus_studio.aspx

open studio with tantalus interactive

Drop into our open studio and see game artists at work!

dates Sat 12 Apr 2008, 12pm - 3pm
Sun 13 Apr 2008, 12pm - 3pm

AND so does this.

Mixture of Hard Rock Base and Traditional Japanese Instrument such as Fue(Flute), Koto(Harp), Samisen Dramatic Performance includes sword fighting with invisible demon and original dance on the stage!

12 Apr 2008, 08:00 PM
101-103 little burke st (China town)
Cost : $15


anyways ..enough advertising.. more.. der.. doing nothing ness....

wed was band..and that was fun.. quit *cough* resigned? ahh whatever.. stopped the food court job ..so i could spend more time with frank XD.. but it aint happening!! zomg.. need to practise stackloads.. I PLAYED A YAMAHA 667!!! waH.. at least i think it was.. wel ..anyways.. detachable bell and model or two up from my 567 .... it was so awesome!!!
i see why simon wouldnt want to trade horns =.='
i will stick to frank nevertheless.. =P

missing oswald and sammie.. hahahha....

back to listening to metal.. lol..

anyways.. today.. crap.. "field lecture now"


Blogger sisterr enkst said...

who's frank? and who's yamaha 667? eh heheh

5:40 PM  
Blogger Ritzy said...

lol its a brand of french horn.

hahah.. my french horn is frank ^^

5:47 PM  

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