«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: spontaneous saturday

Sunday, January 20, 2008

spontaneous saturday

bout 12AM - messages thian.. say.. wanna watch national treasure ??
agreed . sweet.

9.45AM - messages daryl wanna watch national treasure at 10.20AM knox?
lol there arent many people online at this time

10AM - drove (thian sis i) knox. Movie!!! hahaa.. tis been a while..at knox anyways..
parking - scratches front of car =.=' at least i parked straight. hahaha
Vince served us at ticket box. bwhahah. he's so out of it

10.23AM - bleh.. not that many trailers ..stupid ads, TRAVEL ADS! why!!WHY!!
nova cinemas are better 100% trailers ..watch "into the wild" everyone..or get a copy of it when it goes dvd.. 2hours+40mins..but one insane life changing true story..wow.. 6 stars from me.. although i guess many people of our age group would classify it under boring and bum hurting.
Book of Secrets was alright.. had some breathtaking moments. derr.okay just one..
first movie was better more codes/puzzle to crack. 2nd movie better more action/sites

1PM - decides to message Yan and wake him up to get lunch at glen

1.20PM - bumped into Lincoln, Sarah, Angel, Crystal too. Ah.. only crystal could lunch. rest were
working.. hmph.. ice cream off angel =]

2.45PM - lala.. went back for 2nd serving of icecream bwhaha.. n everyone passed on the sticker photos...bleh it was just crossed the road. at at Tung Wo.. the congee servings are MASSIVE!! and nice too =]

4PM - At home..der.. vaccummed

4.41PM - walked back up to glen..handed in three resumes

5.45PM - got a call from one of the places 0_0 interview tomorrow

- interlude -

2.20AM - Samurai Champloo sbs tv lol.. i didnt stay up =P


Blogger SunsetFlare~[Lyn] said...

You came to my work!! xD

12:46 AM  
Blogger Ritzy said...

OH YER!! i saw ya! hehe..

oh and sibyl and sarah too.


5:46 PM  

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