voices >.>

once again im impressed by the talent in voice actors..
just finished this movie on sbs... "castle in the sky" the animation is quite good..typical of that style.. dunnoz what the style's called..because im not so into Japanese animations lol.
tis quite a good movie...the backgrounds are easy on the eyes lol.. unlike some animations which i wont name hahaa... it was something to fill up time..i think im slowing moving away from living in HK/Singapore timezones lol.
neways! as the credits scroll...

main character Sheeta -voiced by Anna Paquin.. hmm..why does that sound so familiar.
wAH!!! no WAY!!! =.=' tis was similar to discovering that female ranma (anime) was jean grey's voice too.. nuts .. *the post 2 years ago* lol...this blog is still surviving.
the tone is completely! different.. and so is the accent..
from sweet, innocent soft kid's voice...to croaky blunt rogue's voice.. WAH.. =.='
Anyways.. something else to fill in time.. from lyn's blog hehe
1. Have you ever kissed someone who’s name starts with a J?
lol.. why start off with a question like this. ..No
2. Do you sleep with the TV on?
Nope.. no tv in room..sometimes radio though
4. Do you think you're old?
LOL i know i will be old..but me? ish like a 14 year old kid ..stuck in a 12 year olds body lolz.
why are they so tall grr...
5. Are you afraid of the dark?
I prefer darkness over extremely blinding brightness.. *hurts the eyes*
6. Do you like your life right now?
yip. once you understand and reach 'content' there is no going back
7. When's the last time you chose a bath over a shower?
oh my.. i cant remember..mainly coz i cant fit in the bath..
derr.. grade 4 0_0
9. Do you have good vision?
absolutely no *sigh*
11. Could you ever forgive a cheater?
what kind of cheater? *context please*
but most likely yes
12. Do you have a job?
NOOOOOOOO!!! dammit.. someone get me one..
13. Who's your best friend?
dont have one =.='
15. Have you ever been suspended or expelled from school?
Hahahah. me? nah...
16. Have you ever crawled through a window?
I think so.
17. What should you really be doing right now?
The dishes.
18. Can you handle the truth?
Always.. "Be FRANK!" =]
19. What was the most recent thing you bought?
*thinks* a movie ticket. OH! ENCHANTED was AWESOME! bwwhahaha... hmm......okie
fine i'll leave that story for another time
20. Are you listening to music?
not now
21. Where are you?
eek..why do you want to know =P
home haha
22. How often do you talk on the phone?
dahh..not that much.. but i do prefer phone over typing... voices are interesting hehehe
23. Do you own a car?
YOSH! hahaha.. but no petrol is like no car at all =.=
24. Are you in a complicated relationship?
ahh..always...people are complex beings..
26. Do you hate more than 3 people?
eek... hate is such a strong word.. i prefer to say dislike. i dont really hate anyone.
the most anyone's tried to push my dislikeness would probably be parents and ms. wang =.=
27. Have you ever tripped someone?
Bwhahah many
28. Name one thing that is always on your mind?
XMEN! hehe =.='
32. Have you made a prank phone call?
Many.. lolz...
33. Are you sarcastic?
Not really...
34. Have you ever slapped someone?
woaH. dont think i could ever to that.. ekk.physical contact =P
36. Do you use chapstick?
Nope..though i probably should.. >.>
37. Are you too forgiving?
daH.. dunnoz.. but we should always forgive.. who are we to judge? I'd just leave that to the Lord..makes things simpler .. ^^
39. Do you own a gun?
OH! i wouldnt mind one.. to display haha..
i owned a few toy guns in my childhood...haha. still living in childhood..but yer.. they were taken off us..because it was believed to have been inappropriate for seven year old girls to go running down the street..waving around a gun with extreme BLASTING noisES! wah.fun times.
41. When was the last time you cried?
Hmm.. probably recent..and probably for no reason at all lolz.
hmm.. *thinks* i've stopped crying in early primary school.. ahh..grade 3?
then all off a sudden random tears in year 8 maths class..dude that was weird =.='
no emotion no feeling attached to them..just water.
42. Olive Garden?
Is that salad XD
43. Have you ever been in a castle?
44. Are you thinking about somebody right now?
of course. lots of people..hmm. my mind never rests..
lets see..five secs of whom im think bout right now
well.. jeemeng just popped up on msn, jenny should be pigging out at lunch in hong kong..which reminds me sam is still there..oh..and so is andy..but i believe vincent is back. and the list could go on and on and on..because one thought triggers off another =.=
45. Do you like your hair?
Hair is useless...but it does keep the scale from gettin sunburnt..oh wait..that's a hat's job
47. Do you like yourself?
derr.. never posed that question to myself.. probably wouldnt matter if i did or didnt. i still exist either way
48. Are you closer to your mother or father?
Neither.. friends are closer than family by a long shot
49. Who was your last text message from?
Bwhaha.. service balance optus..i have $1 credit remaining -.- poo.. I WANT A JOB hahhhaa
51. Do you chat on MSN often?
haha.. too often =.=
52. Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
DAh.. i hope not ..ouchie
53. Full House or Brady Bunch?
FUll House!! haha that show was funny. SBS Singaporean show.
but i think the question is referring to something else =.=
54. Did you like your high school?
i liked the high school years and friends and experiences..
but that question sounds like did you like the building.. -.- if that was the case .not particularly
56. Do you have any scars?
invisible ones yes..
dahh.. not being too emo here.. but there is a scar in the back of my eye.. which you cannot see unless you have a optical equipment thingy. hahaha.
57. Relationships or one night stands?
dah. EW
61. Where is your dad right now?
who knows. rarely see him
63. Are you having a nice day?
64. do you own an outside spa?
65. What kind of phone do you have?
Nokia.. ahh.. something...the old one everyone had or has..the first camera phone? dunnoz
68. What are you listening to?
Mom telling me to get of the comp =.=
69. What do you smell like? Uhh... ? Perfume I own and sometimes use:
I've havent asked this question recently..the last time i did it was in year 3 or 4
because everyone seems like something..and have a scent
i was told "You smell like ham"...geez thanks..
70. What color are your eyes?
black? but it's dark dark brown i guess
73. Do you have a chair in your room?
sittin on it
76. What color is your mum's hair?
78. Do you remember singing any songs as a kid?
79. Are you married?
Never will be
80. When was the last time you talked to one of your siblings?
4 mins ago..which reminds me.. i have to pick her up soon
81. Do you play an instrument?
FRANK!!! *cough* french horns are the best =]
82. Do you like fire?
Minus the brightness and burns ...yes.
83. Are you allergic to anything?
MSG... and seeing too much of the same person.
84. Do you have a crush on anyone?
I would seriously like to crush some people.. but forgivness over violence *nods*
86. Have you ever been in a spa?
Dah.. for 2 seconds..then kicked off
87. Did you take science all four years of high school?
im still sciencing
88. Do you like butterflies in your stomach?
NO.. stomach ache's are the worst
89. Do you miss someone right now?
90. What was the last thing you ate?
WeetBix? no wait. fried (left over) rice..
ohla .. and im done
Holy crow.
That's a lot of questions.
I shall tease you about them later. It's too hot at the moment *collapse*
Yan touched me in weird places. I feel so insecure right now.
bwhaahahah ...
42. Olive Garden?
Is that salad XD
hahahaha xD
and I forgot to watch castle in the sky!! boo...
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