«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: tis the season to be....

Saturday, December 22, 2007

tis the season to be....

...gettin a job!


righto.. broke. hahaa.. but sooo worth it. ^^

last person i spoke to before i left:
sean and joshua... hahah .same flight as me.. small world small world

first person i spoke to when i got back:
aki - lol. i never knew you worked at safeway haha

bleh i sat next to the plane wing..so all photos were crappy
also the view was way better flying to..rather than back..bleh..but i didnt take photos on the way up =.=' dammit

destination 1: Singapore

sites visited
- sentosa island
with david, jeemeng, jeewee...and mum =.=
hahaa.. lots of fun though...
-bedok town
- orchard rd
- little india
- chinatown
- city hall
- raffles place
- airport

zomg! everyone i know..you have a twin in singapore.!! it was nuts..

lalaa ..

after a lot of thinking.. the underlying reason for me going to Singapore was because i dont go back on my words. it's just me.. once i said something.. i cannot take it back..and have to fulfill it ..otherwise it's a lie..and i dont like lies.. =.='

hmm.. i should choose words more wisely.. it emptied my bank account =.='
but yer. lol. basically monica and i said we will go and visit jeewee .. i said it. cant back out of it.. not that i didnt want to go lol...so this picture sums it up.
taken whilst cable car' ing across to sentosa island.
to visit jeewee and be a tourist and go site seeing ^^
random shot ^^ nice
aww..monica didnt end up going =[

It's SUCH a CLEAN country!!! cleaners wake up early in the morning and flush the town streets with water to get rid of ...leaves...dust?? i dunnoz.. but it's v. clean.. and fines for everything that would make it not clean..and happy place lol.. j-walking fine, spitting, littering, eating/drinking/bringing durians on the MRT .bwhahhaha..

and.. hawker food is soo good...and cheap 0_0. $2 got me a decent meal ...
the zoo lol.. the animals ARENT CAGED! =O
the only thing seperating you and the lions is a big ditch in the ground..
nice =]
some animals were so close!! jumped in front of my camera and i didnt realise
but i walked into their tails =.='
elephant showa mouse deer.. or deer mouse.. i forgot =.=awww...red butts hahahah =P
gaint tortoise !!
i want this as a pet XD

also! Underwater aquarium. dunnoz why tis named that ..but
we got to touch STING RAYS! hahaha..
sting ray : 1 david : 0
destination 2: Hong Kong

sites visited
-Disneyland (is tiny)
- many different suburbs
- golden computer arcade lolz
- markets!
- the Peak
-other touristy places i dunno the names of
too many asians =.= lolz

iTS POLLUTED.. *choke* *cough* ..cant breathe in the city areas =/
where i lived wasnt as bad.. i could see some blue sky.. sometimes..
food is really cheap once again .. ^^
hmmz....yer..HK is for shopping.

ARGH ! im clueless... everytime i walk into a shop i naturally walk towards menswear.. ARGH.. =.=' the fashion looks all the same really.. then the shop assistants direct me elsewhere =.=' and realise im a foreigner coz of my broken chinese ..poo -.-'
even the shoe stores.. aRGH.. guy shoes are more comfy =P

to my amusement i found a two dollar shop in HK! woaH.. and it sold everything..
saucepans, knifes, kitchenware, socks, sleepwear, origami stuff, jewelry, toys etc etc
haha.. it's what... 40c aussie dollar?

visiting friends and relatives
heh heh' sorry vincent. MUM HAS to change her mind last minute =.='
visiting the Peak.. ahh mountain top via tram! woaH. 45 degree slant angle.. crazy ^^


Blogger SunsetFlare~[Lyn] said...

Hey! You went to a few of the places I went to in Singapore last year! :D
- Sentosa was cool, I liked riding the cable cars lol
- My hotel was really close to Orchard rd, me and my sister used to sneak out of our room when my parents went to sleep and go shopping xD
- We went to Little India in one of our city tours, same with Chinatown
- Singapore airport was pretty nice, kinda quiet though.

8:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heyas Sandra!
LOVE Singapore, so I am very jealous. The food there is awesome, mmm, I crave some now.
Little India was crowded with indian men in polo shirts (yes, they ALL wore polo shits, maybe they're cheap) so I am permantly scared and will never go back.
And is JeeWee keeping well? Is he super buff!

11:36 AM  
Blogger Ritzy said...

lol! sneaking out at night!! hahaha

hmmz.. nope..no buffness hahaha
alive and well is good

little india had soo many goldsmith shops 0_0 if that's the name of them

2:25 PM  

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