«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: ARGHHGGHH

Monday, January 07, 2008


stupid circumstances...


there is no point in having a job interview...if you can't talk, is lazy..and have summer school

bugger it

* * *

on the up side...

lalal..it aint THAT hard find decent jobs lol...

try again next year..
on the side_
ohla.. i didnt think there would be beauty at a bus shelter..

DESIGN COM!!!... yay =] first day tomorrow.


Blogger msquyenho said...

OMG did you take that?! it's so awesome! ah whoa~

heheh so you're job hunting too? ugh =.= yes i can empathise with you there.

12:39 AM  
Blogger Ritzy said...

oh heyheyz! NOO.. photo isnt mine..
found it on net =]

6:22 PM  
Blogger solace said...

\o/ \o/

6:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice photo! looks like its in the middle of nowhere, if i was ever stranded and had to resort to hitch-hiking i'd like to be there!

12:11 AM  

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