«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: five stars >.>

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

five stars >.>

mehh..due to long post..the summary is...
early start

This begins...yesterday yesterday... err..Sunday.
Righto..JeeMeng. like his brother will be off to National Service soo..it was a everyone-who-wants-to-crash-his-place-and-come-say-hi-and-bye-and-eat day.
Hmm.. tis okay.. ^^ nice to meet up with everyone. Ugh.tired late night. Ah..looking forward to a sleep in. =]

Soo now for yesterday...Monday ..
Woke up at 7.30am WHAT THE =.=' grr..so much for sleep in..
*opens blinds*
geez..sun's out already.
*looks outside*
haha.. wouldnt it be funny if i woke up and someone was tapping at the window with their face pressed against the glass lol..
*goes back to sleep*
To be woken up by a phone call...
"we are outside your house"
*looks outside*
why ..hello michelle, vanessa and danielle ...
ahh.. feel so sorry for them..to witness what no human should see..
my mum in the morning *gasp*

*heads outside* 8.30AM
that's it..wake up angel. bwhahaha..
and Vidz ..heheh =P
Hmm..whilst they continue to wake up people
i drove to drop of baking stuff at yan's and...
i headed to the doctors.
grr..stupid injections..
"it's just a pimple"
"NO..it would be infectious ..GO TO THE DOCTORS!" - parents

geez..im sure nobody's else's parents orders them to go to the doctors due to a pimple =.=
but true true..mine grow in the most annoying spots.. *cough* inside my eye..and on the border of my eyelids *sob* it's as if they have a brain and want to be hidden ..bleh..why cant i just hit puberty already ..and get a face full of ache like everyone else..and that be it..no more..growin in eyes =.=''

anywho.. they are convinced it isn't cancerious..stupid exaggerative parents.

back to crashing Vidz house
bwahaha. they dragged along Pralabh..
so good to catch up with pplz
Back home.
Snack the size of lunch lol
then ..walk up to glen with sara to mini mt view reunion pt.2 hahah
this time catching up with yuelei.
so lame...i parked the car at fairhills and err..the glen was just bout 2mins walk from there bwhahhaa..
*drove up anyways*
Heyhey to Yan, Clay, Thian, Sara, Yuelei..
haha..only clay didnt go to mt view.
reason for me organising this.
1. To give Clay bio notes
2. Catch up with Yuelei!! zOMG! tis been 6 yrs for most of em?
3. Request: another bake day..since yan was too lazy to rock up to the last two
4. Make the most of my days before out-of-country-ness
5. Someone wanted to eat pie
Destination Yan's house:
- he doesnt know where the kitchen utensils are kept
- someone doesnt know how to wash dishes
- there has to be gaming
- bugs crawling along chopping boards
- overloading pantry with expired products .err..pepper from o6? chicken stock 05? ah wellz..we ate it anyways hahhaa

Yer.. the pies were GOOD!!
probably only due to the tomato sause hahha ..
You can make sculptures out of puff pastry
*nod*..tastes good too
What else could i have asked for ..
ahh.primary school days..
and snap.. ho ho ..
only thing missing was uno..but that's was okay.
made up by ..by SCUM. hehee..
go card games
Yuelei..so pro! so pro..
tactics tactics

"clay do you have siblings?"
"err..not really"
"..what ..you ate them?"

"do you know how to tell if the cake is done?"
"er.yer..just look"
*opens oven door and stares*

"I HAVE BABIES" - anonymous
"...clay?" - david


out of the six people there that was a surprise..
especially since we were signed in as yan. lol


most annoying freaky emote ever

"what are you?"
"scum in waiting"

"i will stop eating dog food when you stop eating..."
okay i forgot the rest of the line but LOL!

"you would be surprise..it tastes quite good"

"so what did it taste like"
"fish flakes taste like cat food"


*car doesnt start*

"usually people open the front..."
"...yer..and then what would we do if we did?"
"er..aha. dunnoz"

bleh dang. i cant remember the rest

Ahh.. its nice to know no-body changed

sara - still loud, sits funny..and gives yan crap ...hehee

yuelei - witty, same gestures...manner of speaking, haha. you still lie on the floor on the same way =P
thian - still sniffing, nice, says sorry too many times =]

yan - lame ..hahhaha .you ate glue in primary school! noo.. NOT CLAG...everyone did that..but the running water glue tubes =.=' ..
*walks into kitchen*
"errmz.. why do you have tub full of water glue sticks on your kitchen bench." HA!

me - blunt, rude .talks without thinking, loud, practical..or..more so just lazy, agressive, tomboyt....poo my list is so negative =.='

Left at 6.
drove Yuelei, Sara
hmm..car trouble
turns out hand break wasn't up high enough so car didnt start =P

Another time another time
laughter ^-^

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