«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: xmen | ability | brass

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

xmen | ability | brass

Hmm.. mutants are AMONG US!! yer.. it's bout time i read another xmen comic.. *sob* gradually neglecting the awesomeness of the gang .. NOOOO =/

woo0T! deadpool of xmen hehe..
another weapon X project..like wolverine =]

hmm.. everyone had abilities...talents...gifts.. yet the majority of the time we dont know what they are.. or are searching for something to fill in this spot..because we dont know what they are.. *shrugs*

hmm.. how bout having an extra pair of arms and legs! imagine what you could do!! well ..this is the case for Lakshmi Tatma (click if ya want ta see the pics)

well. .i've discovered what mine is.. the ability to mimic and 'people on call'

mimic - well.. im okay at bits and pieces..some things here ..some things ..there.. and ya.. an all round.. okay person..but i will never be excellent in one certain aspect ..or excelling in that one direction....
one day i will be this..the next that.. and quite okay.. with reinacting events.
a bit of music.. a bit of voice ..a bit of ...okay maybe this isnt mimicing..

rephrase.. IM RANDOM hahhaah

but wait for this one!.. it cant just be another coincidence can it? chance after chance after chance.. it's so odd.

so.. when i havent seen someone in ages..and discuss it with friends..say..oh yer..where is she lately.. etc etc.. within 42 hours i will bump into them.. 0_0 UNCANNY EH!?!!

im not talking trival..oh yer.. it's been AGES since i've seen david..
but at least a 5 min convo with a bunch of people.. expressing genuine concern of the well being of the person.. and pooF ..you see them a day or so later..

and usually it happens in the toilet =.= (or near it)

bwhaha.. crashing into a random primary school friend i hadnt seen in what.. 5 years? bwahha..
and just the other day..

"so how is sapreet?"
"dunnoz havent seen her in ages"
"she's moved back to india though"

and the next thing you know.. 24 hours later.. i bump into her in city.. in the toilet .. so odd..
turns out she just came back =]

but yer.. i wonder ..how is matt bex.. XD
haha. dont think he will popping up in the ladies room in a while LOL!

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ahh.. walking through the glen..and bump into heaps of people..

angela - zomg we do the same course lol..diff uni obviously =P
visal - haha..still selling phones
mark - at least i think that's his name lol.. only seen him twice at RMIT..and wahH.. just started job in glen lol
yr 12's - jeemeng, sarah, mish.. ahh.. FREEDOM!!
bharat - ahh freedom tomorrow!! lol ^-^
lincoln - bakes bread lol
ms. savage - horn teacher..which.. informed me of the brass concert that was on tonight!!

it was WAH!! soo GOOD!! year 7 - 11.. gwsc. bras.. HOLY MOLY!!

that is insane.. almost almost catching up to trombones.. bwhahaaha

but yer.. 0_0 .. memories.. my gosh. 9 months of playing and they can HIT "C" WHAT!!
took me err.. years lol..and WAH!! another student solo'd the piece i never finished learning in year 12 *sob*...frank we got a LOOooooT of practice ahead of us


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