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Saturday, November 10, 2007


attempts the impossible..

to pass chem..and cram in two days .. deadline: 13.11.07

leaving psych 12.11.07.. study time ...nill ...thank goodness for multi choice.. C all the WAY


study groups rock

hmm..groups of 7 DO work.. although.. it was only really two pplz doing the work.. brain dead ness... =.='

and turns out study + parties also work hahaha..

happy birthday dilpreet =]

mmm..maccas icecream cake ^-^

people+study+food+UNO+cards = insane entertainment

anyways.. haha..

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey congrats on getting your Ps :)
ahaha i got MC for psyche too, i always go for A if i have to guess!
good luck for tmr!

7:17 PM  

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