that subtle reminder

i think subtle is the right word.. i was goina spell it how i pronounce it "suttle" but ah wells.. no more english for me bwuahahah
just. .biology =.=' cant spell the stupid long words.. they better all be in the multi choice section so i can copy them onto the essays hahha..
*flicks through lectures*
great.. i made note to self to read up and get iLecture because i wasnt paying attention..
ZOMG!! so many lecture doodles =.='
cramming = efficient today.. finally -______-'
it's taking four days of swot vac to sink in.. noooooos *sob*
everytime i took a study break..something reminded me of bio.
lets see..
*flick on the tv*
a documentary about catching murders with the use of forensic botonist 0_0
okay.. so watched that for about 10mins..and it was study hahha.. talked about exactly what we were doing.. yay i understand diatoms now .. =]
*flicks on tv*
STARWARS!! haha..just at that moment
dunnoz the character's name..
but he was talking to the little kid anikin?? cant spell ..
dude - "...we are symbionts"
little dude - "what are symbionts"
dude - "we are living in harmony with each other.. where both benifits"
*walks away* how disappointing
something along those lines.. hahaha!! symboints haha. like 0.o oh my i forgot.. er..fungus i think!! where they attach to trees and are parasitic but are of benifit by helping increase getting phosphorus from the soil.. lol.. star wars =.='
*goes outside for fresh air*
primary school friend walked past.. hadnt seen her in months .nice to catch up.. haha.. the likihood..
..walks back in house.. notices my shadow..ehh.. what's that.. hair was retarded and poking out ..geez...impressions =.='
*okay.. wants to quit study...runs to
be interrupted by a phone call.
and is studying again haha..
or bloggin =.='
wells.. dinner table is being cleared and so is my work space haha
things to buy:
a fold-able table to stick in my room =.='
lots of snacks
and is studying again haha..
or bloggin =.='
wells.. dinner table is being cleared and so is my work space haha
things to buy:
a fold-able table to stick in my room =.='
lots of snacks
*runs around with hair on fire*
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