«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: ARGH!.. the week that as been...

Friday, September 21, 2007

ARGH!.. the week that as been...

ZARG!!! =.=" this stinks.. i know Melbourne uni has two weeks holiday.. but seriously.. the week has gone by sooo quickly!! and it's as if we didn't have it as all. *no joke*

friday -
prac ended early yay ^^ but sent the 1.5hours of what would have been prac time..gettin stupid manifest ticket... i felt so out of place.. grr.. i did this just so i could see some glenny pplz coz i knew they wouldnt be going to reunion... GRR!!

saturday -
hmm..rocked up to uni to see friends...
and then!! concert!! whee.. that was fun..haven't been to a musical concert in ages..
venue: MLC ..and woAH..the place is soooo grand...private schools *cough cough*
dinner at Nandos..and we packed the place. lol.. they seemed a little surprised ..all these people in black clothes barging in and ordering pretty much the same thing lol..

then concert began.. ugh.. missed most of my entries..bleh..at least the audience couldn't tell..i hope =/ the other band that played was really goood...they did a orchestral version of James Blunts song "Your Beautiful" i think that's the one.. anyways.. it was good..but still i dont like the lyrics..and ARGH. it's still stuck in my head..

that song.. and bumblebee tuna..and the pirate song are on LOOP! in my head.. aarghhh.. someone save me =.=

late night..maccas for supper..
ahaha.. mum discovered Chun could speak canto..and then she couldnt stop asking questions..that was funny...
Sunday -
CHURCH! =] ..then.. back to uni.. lol so sad.. i went up to see Quyen....but she didnt rock up..
but saw many other pplz andy, sam, david, david, victor, daniel and his family, nat, matt, yungkin, allan, michael...etc etc..

What was interesting was bumping into my assistant biology lab demonstrator.. haha..

me: oh heyz.. how's it going? What are you doing here at uni on a sunday
craig (in his funny cool accent): err..actually i came here to study but doesn't look like i can...

*looks around* LOL! random people dressed up in funny cartoony costumes everywhere..running around..shoouting random jap stuff..eating pocky..just not the atmosphere for study...almost freak show lol

me: haha. yer.. did you know this was happening?
craig: nope
...hmmm... came back late.. dinner at grand tofu
curses...i need a job.. =.=
Monday -
bleh had to head up to glen to book passport interview at post office..grabbed lunch.. dropped off a few resumes..caught up with some year 12s..
Walked home..crashed at Angel's.

Tuesday -
Badminton at monash with friends. Ugh..it's been so long since i've played. Vincent is a safe and careful driver.. haha.. you are a funny one.. wanting to place the parking ticket outside of the car lol
Glenny reunion at night!! whee!! lots of fun..
and an unexpected comment
"woah.......you look like a girl..." - grace
curses.. i dunnoz why but that felt soo insulting.. me and my stereotypical view of girls curses...
now i really want a hair cut ><

neways..nice to catch up with everyone..although
where was MATT BEX!?!?! =O
and fara, andy, sam, jon w, morley... many more pplz..haha..aka. fobs
Wednesday -
Righto..slept in.. didnt do much at all...
until.. 4pm ish.. had to catch bus and head up to monash ..band.. lol.
was suppose to walk up..but lost track of time during my bumming-around-doing-absolutely nothing-ness...so called angel to drop me off at station.. *sorries*
missed the bus..and then next was was 15mins late =.="
saw indy, tracy, vincent, james..in the mean time...
it decided to rain the whole time i was waiting for bus =.="

@ monash.. bumped into edward..kenneth, tim..and WAH! chun has the coolest tablet laptop thing ever ! =P

late night =.="
Thursday -
Met up and caught up with a random friend i met on the train.. ugh.. kinda awkward..
to be walking around the city..doing loops around bourke st and china town..and swantson..for hours..next to a person that you dont know very well..
He insisted on movie..bleh.. i went b'day shopping.. haha..
grr..you late sept.and oct kids lol..
nothing is open at 10am in the city *sob*

lunch..caught up with rmit friends..and WAH! high score on yan's laptop for pinball yer!

Interviewed Karen from the teapot ensemble of Australia
that was cool
last radio interview for me.. lol. tired of it hahaa..too lazy
*note to self* buy tickets for their performance

ate lunch @glen.. err. 2nd lunch lol. yes i admitted it.. i have two lunches.. =P
sister got back from excursion..too lazy to cook. fast food it was ><
bumped into adrian, glen , sherhan (cant spell)

Friday -
passport interview.. ARGH! got there 5mins early but forgot the form.. i left it at home..curses!
Ran angel..woke her up and got her to drive me back..grabbed form..and she drove me back up..

dammit i need my Ps =/

she looked at the form everything's all good.. thankfully and then she asked for the fee..

err..what fee? ARGH!.. $200! for a passport =.=' dammit.. there goes the money in my bank account..

hair cut afterwards.. lol! ... the people in the magazines all look so fake. lol...meh.. picked from the guys style lol. =.=' everything else was too long.

bleh i cant take photos of myself..

so bleh...been going out everyday.. so dead.. so stuffed.. financially and study wise too.. ARGH. .need to get to know Sketchup program for graphics..and summaries all the lecture notes since beginning of semester.. *faints*..chem is goina kill me

on the up side: JEEWEE IS BACK TODAY!!!!


Blogger Hayashi said...

hey wow your week is busy unlike mine!

your haircut rocks man, i take back what i said about getting my haircut :D

the pic is soooooo like a myspace picture :D

7:38 PM  

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