«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: week 2// dammit...hectic...tired..

Thursday, September 27, 2007

week 2// dammit...hectic...tired..

Dear Ritzy,

Thank you for your submission to the International Open Amateur Poetry Competition. Unfortunately, after careful review of your contest entry, I am sorry to inform you that your poem "The kill" was not chosen for publication and is no longer eligible for contest prizes. We understand that poetry is a form of artistic expression and that it is not always understood by those who read it. Therefore, we are asking you to send us another example of your writing. All you have to do is click on the button below and follow the instructions.


okay.. so i have no idea when or even if i sent such thing in.. ._. that's kinda creepy.
received it in my hotmail inbox yesterday along with billion other messages of spam and notes..

err.. just to let you guys know.. or the one or two pplz that come by this blog .. i dont use that email anymore =P (why do i get the feeling only yan comes here =.=")


the week that has been..

*curses* no homework or revsion done.. havent even touched textbook.. well i have once..when i vacuumed and that's bout it. =.="

continuing on from last week's post

Saturday -
mum tricked sis and i ..and took us to some lady's house.. ugh.. =.=" i would normally be up for house visiting..but today.. we were goina see jeewee..and ARGH.. i was already running late =.= ..poo...

this lady has met john howard.. lol. big fat picture in their hallway of them shaking hands..and HA! Mr. Howard is short.. well if the pic is right..and from what i've seen..the lady aint that tall..and looks as if.. he could be same height as me.. i cant be stuffed following this further..it's aint important. lol.

neways.. visiting jeewee..mr. national service guy.. ahh. it's been ages..but yet..time has flown..seriously .. i cant believe i've done so much uni..and still haven't got anything out of it..except that it really highlights the fact that im in need of time organisational skills *sob*

bummed around.. nice to catch up with pplz.. quite a few names. so cant be stuffed typing it all lol... check out the prezzie chun and yan made.. and i arranged =]
huge glass cups are nice to look at ..hehehee..

meh..yan summarised the night *click* and scroll down to half way of post =P

Sunday -
Church in morning...last speaker for the mission month.
Then lunch at Hungry Jacks.. but hmm... the lady didnt understand what i was saying!! it was as if the words coming from my mouth werent English!! waHH.. i ordered three things.. all of which were chicken ..but different sorta stuff..burger ...baguette (i think that's how ya spell it..lol)..ya get the pic.
took 15 mins to explain to her what we wanted..and the manager had to come out and all..
x_x' i just want my food... then....

SCMC!! South Camberwell Music Committee ..
basically it uses the church's facilities i.e. hall..and all sorts of guitar pedal thingys..and it's open to the community..neighbourhood..everyone..and it's free guitar lessons =]
yay.. fun stuff.. hehe. guitar sounds cool ^^.. ah.. reminds me of the good ol' 'Deathly heXed' days.. lol. we had the BEST band going! =P still got the book grace??

Monday -
BBQ at Jells Park organised by Mark. ugh.. i still need to pay ya back for all that meat ya bought.. XD

lol. there is a difference between high school bbqs and uni ones.. haha. just a little.. v. little.

highschool -
hmm is it cooked yet.??
someone try it
*cough* *splatter*
ugh.. cook it for a bit longer
hmm. lets see..spread this out..more surface area
poke holes in it.. cook faster...
chicken has more fat thus cook longer..
put onions in the middle to release this flavour thingy.and cookes better *shrugs*
and whatever else they tried. lol..

geez.. highschool way was more efficient hehe..
also monday.. first time i've witnessed KITE FLYING!! wow.. disappointing lol.. it broke before i had a turn =.='

yet another day..where i get the strong sense of.. I NEED MY Ps NOW!!! *curses*

Handed in last interview for radio.. ahh.. good stuff
so into the city i go.. bumped into jenny and davy along the way..and buying a daily ticket makes you want to stay in city longer lol..
Punk attire is AWESOME!!.. i didnt bring a camera so =P
yer... pricy..but nice...

note: i acknowledge... i dont need or want the items of clothing.. just interested in the different styles they come up with lol.. same me.

Wednesday -
Bowling at 8.45AM in the morning?? well ...we tried..and.. ugh.. only started at 9.30ish.. so early .. everything that knox was still closed =.= *curses*
david you are so pro! and so is the parents that showed up. hehehe..
The token games are addictive XD
Then ..dinner @ South Yarra.. fun times fun times...
give party blowers to 18/19 year olds..and we go nuts. lol.. SUGAR HIGH! =P

Thursday -
Hazards - 61%..pfft.. pass is good..stupid blink and noise messing with my eyes and ears XD.. my sense of direction gone lol..
next hours or soo..spent in springvale.. scary place.. so many azns =P ..
i definately cant 90 degree park ..=.="... nor can the cars next to me .hahhhaa..

eyes checked.. err.. i think i need my rest.. XD.. hasnt got worse..but everything is so blurry.. XD.. fatigue. =.=" stupid social life.

travel agent- holding ticket for SinGapoRE! ..*fingers crossed* i can go lol

then shopped for paper .... next project: stars ^^

then.. band.. ugh.. i need to practise..concert so soon XD

Friday - a glimpse into the future ...ohla..!

wake up. walk up.. glen..shop for you oct bday kids..grr.. =P hahaha..
also get new drink bottle..heyz.! balance water has new design ^^ hehe.
then visit friends place..farewell friend..
then..bum..and HOPEFULLY! do some hw =.=' dammit.. CHEM AND BIO ARE CALLING ME!
sooo do not want to fail..
confirm holiday
singin and sharing night @ youth group
gotta shop for snacks to bring
late night..
dead x_x"


Blogger Hayashi said...

Scroll down to halfway?!

Are you implying I'm boring half the time? :D

Jks ^^

1:53 PM  
Blogger Shells said...

I still read it =0

4:58 PM  

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