«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: trains...

Thursday, September 06, 2007


aRGH.. 1 hour in. 1 hour out.. lol.. surprising we still aren't used to it.
Ah wells.. they are still different for me..
"everyday is new adventure"

haha.a.. remember that quote pplz??

neways.. here are some random train rides in/out..

> > mini glenny reunions...

>> balancing acts..
can nearly manage trams hehe

>> meeting randoms
..hehe fun stuff..random convos.
..i thought i'd finally met my long lost brother...
but ugh. a disappointment *sob*
wanted: a brother =P

>> bumping into church friends
..havn't seen them in years..they think im still in yr 8 hahaha..
it's been too long =.=

>> awkward looks
it's a phenomenon ..you just happen to glance randomly in someone's direction..
they are not aware..because they are reading the MX or book or typing away at laptop.
you realise you are looking in their direction.. and JUST as you are bout to look away..
..its just like when you are on the road.. look to the next car..and INSTANT LOOK BACK!!
so creepy..it's something in human nature.. i guess..

>> connex staff
they all walk the same...look the same..talk the same...
like a ghost from carriage to carriage..
warning: feet on seat $170.. *ouchies*
didnt want to be that person.

>> sleepy people
i personally cannot fall alseep on the train..
but i close my eyes and try to rest and stuff.. especially after 3 hour graphics tut =.=
but yer.. i get back to station..and walk out..and you see people still asleep on the train.
lol..poor person ..if they miss their stop.
in my experience ..no snorers lol..
just some korean dude falling asleep on my shoulder =.='
..he was korean coz he spoke so on the phone before he fell asleep =P

>> school kids
..are annoying!! so loud XD

>> recognising regulars
it was at least two months ago when i saw these two different people on the train.
..yet i remember exactly what they were wearing and what they were eating..
once you see someone that takes glen waverley you recognise them..but whether you are
aware and have conscious access to this information in ya mind is another story..
just imagine our memory capacities if we unlocked this!!
*is working on it* =P

>> music/trumpet busker
..people play loud music..
but sometimes it's good music..and we all tune in ^^

>> vainity..
ugh.. some things girls do just piss me off..
but really i have no business with it and should think happy thoughts lol..
but yer. im am amazed at their balance skill.
shaky train + lip stick + eye make up can go wrong..but it doesnt for them..
seen a few pplz put back in contact lenses too..
hairspray in train is baD!! *faints*
scary one.. some lady put this weird scissor looking like thing and placed REAL close to her
eye..and snipped!!. ouch.. i think it was some eye lash curler..
that could go soooo wrong XD

anyways... enough ranting..

i'll leave you with a quote:
"...just put some gloves on and feel around.." - Mark

hahaha.. so random taking out of context..=P
he's your future dentist !! ahaha


Blogger Hayashi said...

daily i get 'awkward looks' plenty of times
daily i am the sleepy person
daily im am to the school kids minus the school
daily i see the same person on the train as on the train the last week, especially this one lady who's really loud :/
daily i look at my self in the window and go 'wow im hot', even if i am not

10:42 PM  
Blogger Ritzy said...

hahaha! window mirrors haha.. funny things...

i usually use them to see if there is anyone i know at the other ends of the train. you can actually see almost the whole carriage in the windows lol

8:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can balance on the tram now. =D
I can fall asleep, but I try my best not too. >.>
I haven't seen Api in ages. When was Winnie catching the train?! Shame I missed some of those people. =(
I keep sleeping in on Friday mornings so I catch the 8.58 now. >.>

8:53 PM  

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