«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: let the doodle wars begin!!....still procrastinating...bleh..will have to do essay tomorrow =.= *sob*...

Saturday, September 08, 2007

let the doodle wars begin!!....still procrastinating...bleh..will have to do essay tomorrow =.= *sob*...

it all began with one word. "bored"

soo..bascially.. you scribble something..and the players..try to make a picture out of it =P(above) round 1: angel was blue..andy was black

okay...above was vincent's response..below is mine =P
i think i win ^^ hehe.. but yer. draw lol.
And here are some more... go angel ^^...

and then.. ...
and pictionary.. ^^
can you guess them? ^^
i was stuck on the last one for ages...=.="

and.. the fav pics of the night lol...besides dung man ^^


Blogger Hayashi said...

i want andy's drawing skill :@

10:35 PM  

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