«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: update...

Thursday, August 16, 2007


bleh.. so im in a biology computer lab.
3.30pm Hmm.. not doing a lot..

life so far is easy going and lack of study still..

what has been interesting so far? hmm.

bought a music stand lol.. those things are so complicated.

anyways.. bio labs let you access gmail. and chem ones dont haha..
Few people here and there watching stuff on you tube too.

Hmm.. should try and start assignment for psych. bleh..

8AM this morning____ driving lesson
ugh.. so early.. but yer.. got instructor to book Ps.. lol.. he says i'm
not ready and needs heaps more practise..
120 hours and still not ready yet.. *sigh* a failure. lol..

11.11AM train. got to psych lecture just in time.. new lecturer.. hmm his name is Yoshi .
he just read of the slides *yawn*

1Pm lunch.. couldnt go to magic club ahhaah. group assignment
1.30PM Arrived at Grant St, off St Kilda St, the assignment is to obersve the site and take photos every 15 mins. for four hours lol.. your group's time slot is 11am - 3pm.. *tired* nothing intesesting happened.

3PM back and uni.and decided to go on the computer to submit our observations. turns out we dont do that part on the computer lol.. so now i'm bumming..

Hmm think.. 40 hour famine is this weekend.. keep the donations coming !! Kids in Laos need it.
Righto.. no technology is practically impossible =.="

so heres the list:

-alarm clocks
- lights (bummer..that's a tough one)
- heater
- electrical appliances hmm.. so ...anything that plugs into a power point
- anything that run on batteries. lol. electric toothbrush
- cars
- public transport (NOOO!!!! everything will have to be walking distance..dammit.. missing out on Dad's birthday party and Bands Festival..pfft)
- telephone (noooo!!! )

that's the list so far.. hmm.. time to right on post-it notes and stick up reminds everywhere.

Random notes:

Seaweed Sushi is actually really good =]

It's hard to concerntrate when a dozen or so nude people come dancing into the lecture theatre .. i dunno bout you..but i closed my eyes =P

Snake boards are cool..

only recently stopped typing "lee0029" into the computer logins. haha.. gwsc system. lol

bleh brain dead.. time to attempt a bio "independant learning task" hahaa


Blogger Hayashi said...

is your lecturer green by chance?

are you going to be doing work by candle light? :)

4:42 PM  
Blogger RateD said...

holy CRAP sandra i will definitely sponsor you for the famine. i demand you tell me if you managed it, after you do it. and you bought a magic stand :O ?! tell me more oh god perform me some magic kkthx. im like a 3 year old child when it comes to magic. =)

10:11 PM  
Blogger Hayashi said...

it has begun.

good luck sandra!

2:08 PM  

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