«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: time.

Monday, March 19, 2007


the one thing humans haven't conquered and probably never will..

ahh.. it just comes and goes.. and so quickly too!! yet sometimes so slowly... so eerie.. i mean we come up with a system for hours, minutes, years, centuries..but does it really mean anything? or is it just there to keep us sane..??

anyhow.. couldn't be bothered walking up to station so got dropped off when my sister went to school. yip. gwsc.. looks sooo weird from the outside.. full of slabs of concrete painted red and blue. yuk. at least it isn't the poo coloured portables =]

lala.. so 10am in the city.. three hours to spare!

bought meself a new bag for uni =] yay.... lala.. the shop wasnt open till 11am so i bummed around bourke st and .. woaH! first time i saw someone actually wear a Mankini!! is that how ya spell it.. but yer.. i think they were promoting the Borat film.. but still .. Ewwwwwwwwwww!

lala.. china town is deserted in the morning.. guess all the Asians are lazy and dont open shop early.

there was one store that was open early..in that village walk way on bourke street. sold koren/jap dvd/music i think.. anyways..they had the deathnote movie playing.. so i just watched it.. hmm.. looks interesting... =]

hm. allan's music is also on bourke st ..lol am i spellin it right..? anyways.. AHH THE BRASS SECTION!! *love* so shiny.. hmm. french horns are decreasing in price.. dang..i got it around 4.2k and now they are 3.6k .. well Yamaha anyways..

JB and dicksmith ... hmm.. looked for a notetaker.. how handy would that be..recording lectures =]... should be a good investment.. i guess im opting for a digital one..instead of a tape one.. only for the convenience sake ..but yer..those ones are a lot cheaper -_-"

for those who are in the city.. bourke st. is opening up a new internet cafe type thing..and lookin for pplz ..ie. staff!!..so get a job! email ya resume to vamel.jobs.gmail.com .. i think that was it. hmm.. i didnt take note..just walked passed..drilling and banging..ugh. so noisy.

bought meself a CAP!! finallly.. i wont be wearing that blue gwsc school hat.! haha. had it for ages... lost it plenty of times too...and it's gone all blubbly..coz i washed it so many times..

yer.. i was so bored.. tried on all the hats in the store =/ the lady didnt mind.. =] didnt realise my head was so small =/ only two caps fitted well. hmmm...

ohla . a blog about hats:

ah wells..

*pysch notes finished printing*

finally! -___-"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha! i made a speech in year 9 about time =] reading your blog reminds me of it xD

4:30 PM  

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